knew exactly when it happened.
Molly, at least, had enough sense not to ask the question when Mom was anywhere
nearby, waiting until she and Brian were alone together by the lion enclosure.
Mom had taken a rare break away from Brian to ask Justin how he thought the day
was going, and if Brian was really enjoying himself.
Gaze flicking between Mom and the view over her left shoulder - Brian and Molly
standing together about fifteen feet away - Justin shrugged. "If he really
didn't want to be here he would've left already."
"Yes, but...well, how do I know he's not just staying to be nice?"
That was when he saw it. Molly said something, Brian froze, and though only the
left side of his face was visible, that was still enough to see that Brian looked
like he'd just been told he was soon going to end up a eunuch.
Justin knew.
"Uh..." Right, Mom'd asked a question. "You really haven't spent
all that much time with him, have you?" He kept watching, thinking that
maybe he might get lucky, and Brian would just brush it off as Molly being
curious. But then she said something else, and Brian slowly, irrevocably,
turned to glare at him.
Yeah. He was definitely in trouble.
Still, it was totally worth it.
"True," Mom admitted, "I really don't know him all that well. I
should really try and do something about that, given that the two of you
are...boyfriends. Although I have to say, I'm pleased to see how good he is
with Molly." She turned to look behind her, Justin following her gaze as
Brian knelt down and spoke quietly to Molly - staring at Justin the whole time.
"I suppose I shouldn't be. He has his own child, after all. And for all my
"Ewwwww!" Molly yelled suddenly, yanking away from Brian. "That
is totally gross!"
Mom was moving already, running towards them. "Molly? What's wrong?"
Shit. Justin really hadn't expected Brian to actually go through with it.
Swallowing, he was beginning to think that maybe he'd gone too far as he chased
after Mom.
"Mom!" Molly exclaimed, throwing her arms around Mom and holding on
tight. "Brian said they crush up beetles and put them in food colouring!
Even in some of my favourite candies! Is it true? Do I eat beetles?!"
So, Molly hadn't learnt the mechanics of gay sex after all.
Although this may have been worse.
Obviously re-thinking her previous opinion of Brian, Mom's eyes narrowed into
slits as she fixed him with an impressive glare. Even Justin had only seen that
look a few times in his life. "Of course you don't sweetheart," Mom
assured her, her comforting words totally at odds with her current expression.
"Brian was just teasing. *Weren't* you Brian?" There was no mistaking
the tone in her voice, and Brian didn't.
"Of course I was teasing, Mrs Taylor, Molly. I really didn't meant to
upset you, Molly. I was trying to teach your brother a lesson, but that was no
excuse for making you feel bad."
Where the fuck was Brian Kinney, and who was this pod person who'd taken his
Mom still looked annoyed, but now she was curious as well. "Why did you
want to teach Justin a lesson?"
Surely Brian wouldn't...
"Well, it seems Molly was curious about how guys have sex." Shit. Of
course he would. Mom had gone rather pale. "She asked Justin; he told her
to ask me - I suspect because he thought it'd be funny."
Justin stared at him, mouth agape. "Are you telling on me to my
Brian ignored him, still addressing Mom. "I said it was something you'd
probably prefer to explain to her when you felt she was ready. She was pretty
adamant that she was ready, but I offered her another secret instead. Which I
shared. I probably shouldn't have," he continued, all innocence - how the
hell was Mom falling for this? "But I thought you'd prefer her to hear
that from me than instead of-"
"Yes, yes, quite," she interrupted, obviously flustered.
"Perhaps you didn't make the best choice for what you did tell her, but
given the circumstances..."
He lowered his head graciously. "Thank you, Mrs Taylor." Christ.
Bending down at the knees and holding on to Molly's arms, Mom exhaled heavily.
"Sweetheart, if you really want to know that badly, we'll talk all about
it later at home, okay?" She didn't look happy about the idea.
Molly nodded enthusiastically. "Thanks, Mom. And that bug story's not
true, right?"
"It's absolutely not true," Mom lied easily, saving that truth for
another time. And then...and then she stood back up, and faced *him*. This time
she was giving *him* the slitted eyes.
Where Mom couldn't see him, Brian was smirking.
"Justin Craig Taylor..."
Justin ended up finding his sneakers fascinating.
At least she couldn't ground him anymore.
When Justin had first had the idea for Molly to ask Brian, he figured the worst
he'd have to deal with would be a grumpy, glaring Brian. Brian would give him
the silent treatment for the rest of the day, until Justin would eventually win
him over with a blowjob or a fuck and everything would be fine.
He hadn't counted on a smug, happy Brian.
Even though he'd upset Molly with the beetle news, somehow Brian had come out
of all of this smelling of roses. Mom had seriously appreciated the way he'd
handled the gay sex question. In comparison she'd quietly ranted at Justin,
telling him how disappointed she was that he'd passed his little sister's
question on to someone else - even if it was embarrassing - and had tried to
make a joke out of it. Apparently she'd expected more of him.
Brian had been humming all the way home.
It was really fucking annoying.
In contrast Justin pouted all the way home, and when they parked outside the
loft he didn't even wait for Brian; slamming out of the Jeep and into the
building, leaving the loft door open as he stropped over to the bedroom and
threw himself down on the bed.
He heard Brian chuckle to himself as he came into the loft, the sound of the
door closing resonating around the loft.
That was really fucking annoying, too.
Justin wasn't even particularly annoyed that Brian had turned the joke around
on him; he was more annoyed that he hadn't figured a way out of it. Instead
he'd had to stand there and accept all blame - knowing full well that it *was*
his fault and he deserved it - as Mom dressed him down in public.
"Ah, Sunshine," Brian said dramatically, dropping down next to him on
the bed. Justin turned his head away. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You
were up against the best," he slapped Justin's ass. "Frankly, I
didn't think you'd be this bad a loser."
That sparked something. "I'm not a bad loser."
"Right. That's why you're acting like the biggest princess in all of
Princess Land."
Justin frowned. "Have you been reading stories to Gus again?"
"Don't change the subject," he retorted, moving and making the
mattress dip further. "Like I was saying - you don't always get what you
"I *have* managed to figure that out, you know."
"Good. Then stop acting like a baby and admit that the better man won.
When you get over yourself," he slapped Justin's ass again, "I'll be
on the sofa."
The bed dipped, and Justin was alone.
He was actually pretty tired. Although the zoo closed pretty early in broad
terms - 6pm - they'd been walking practically the entire time they were there.
Letting out a big breath, Justin closed his eyes. It wasn't long until he was
The sound of the buzzer woke him up. Jerking up in bed, Justin blinked his
confusion until he remembered why he'd been sleeping. Hearing voices, he
realised Brian had ordered take-out and his stomach suddenly liked that idea -
a lot.
By the time he'd rolled out of bed and taken a leak, Brian was back on the
sofa, a multitude of white boxes laid out before him on the coffee table.
Stomach rumbling some more, Justin grabbed a box and a pair of chopsticks and
flopped down next to him.
Brian didn't say anything, just kept eating as Justin shoveled more and more
noodles into his own mouth. He was starting to feel a bit ridiculous, really.
Queening out over the Bahamas and what'd happened at the zoo - and both times
Brian had been the one who'd talked him down, made it make sense.
When his hunger was satiated - for now - he pushed Brian against the back of
the sofa and started working on his jeans. Arching an eyebrow, Brian still said
nothing, but not long after Justin got Brian's dick out of his jeans he was
moaning loudly, crushing the box he was still holding in his left hand.
Definitely the best kind of apology, and usually the only kind Brian accepted.
The taste of cum and Thai was an interesting combination, and Justin clambered
up on to Brian's lap to share it with him. Brian fucking loved it when he did
that and he growled his approval, mouth opening wide and tongues rubbing
together to share every remaining drop.
"Mmm," Justin said eventually, ending the kiss and keeping his eyes
closed, pressing his forehead to Brian's. "Tasty."
Brian let out a quiet laugh. "You've become quite the connoisseur."
"Indeed I have," he smiled. Still feeling pretty horny himself, he
slowly started rubbing his dick against Brian. "So how was your visit to
the zoo?" he asked.
"Hmm," Brian responded, having abandoned the box of food he'd had
somewhere as a hand wiggled into Justin's pants. "It didn't
completely...suck." His hand wrapped around Justin's cock on the last
Jerking his hips, Justin licked his lips as his breath started coming out
faster. "That's...good." He felt a thumb rub across the slit, then
down, pressing underneath the base of the head. "Fuck," he breathed,
shuddering, putting his arms around Brian's neck for better leverage. With his
pants still on and Brian's hand trapped the way it was, he wasn't getting the
movement or pressure he needed. "C'mon, Brian. More."
Apparently not in the mood to tease him - thank God - Brian released him
completely and almost ripped at his pants to get them open. Within a matter of
seconds they were, his hand wrapping around Justin's cock securely.
Almost sighing in relief, he twitched as Brian lubricated Justin's cock with
his own pre-cum, then whispered a dirty, "Go for it."
Justin certainly didn't need permission to get off, but it definitely made it
that much hotter.
With Brian's hand forming a tight hole for him to fuck, Justin lost himself in
the feeling - thrusting his hips, his mouth crashing against Brian's, the
pressure building higher and higher. When he felt it start, felt his balls
start to draw up, he moaned quietly - and suddenly Brian's free hand was
grabbing the back of his head, holding him tightly by his hair and yanking him
away from the kiss.
Justin was vaguely confused but too far gone to care, mindlessly fucking
Brian's hand until he realised exactly why Brian was staring at him.
I want to see you come.
He lost what little control he had left, eyes rolling into the back of his head
and hips jerking as the cum shot out of him in thick spurts.
Brian released his hold and Justin fell against him, groaning quietly as his
body started to settle back down. Breathing heavily, he tucked his head against
Brian's - unfortunately clothed - chest, and closed his eyes. Neither one of
them made any effort to clean up.
"I don't know how you do it," Brian said eventually.
"Do what?"
"Stay so fucking hot. I'm thinking some kind of sorcery's involved."
Laughing, Justin still didn't open his eyes. "Yeah, you've discovered my
secret - I'm a big queer warlock."
The phone rang then, interrupting their banter. They made no effort to move,
letting the machine pick up.
As soon as the caller's voice was heard, Brian tensed up. Justin had no idea
why until the guy continued talking. Why the hell was he calling on a Saturday?
"Hi, Brian. This is Adam from Kennedy and Collins..."
the phone call, they didn't say much for the rest of Saturday night.
Brian had answered the call after Justin had scrambled off his lap,
interrupting the message that Adam guy was leaving on the machine. Justin had
carefully put his dick back in his pants as he waited, then moved to do the
same for Brian when he realised Brian was doing it himself.
Waiting anxiously, he'd watched and listened to Brian's half of the phone call
- which seemed to be going pretty well.
And then Brian's shoulders had slumped.
And Justin knew.
His own disappointment had been pretty overwhelming - he could only imagine how
upset Brian must've been. Justin tried not to hover too much, tried not to make
it look like he was watching over Brian, smothering him. When Brian hung up the
phone and collapsed back down on the sofa, Justin sat next to him. They didn't
speak; didn't touch. Brian just picked up a box of food and started eating
Sunday wasn't much better, and though Justin wanted to stick around in case
Brian needed him, it was obvious Brian wanted to be alone. Besides, Justin
really had to stop missing his shifts at the diner - a thousand dollars only
went so far. So, leaving Brian with a kiss and a handjob, Justin went to work.
Deb could tell something was up. It was pretty busy for a Sunday so it took her
a while to notice, but when she did she threatened a particularly annoying
queen with a dishtowel and dragged Justin to one side. "Okay, spill
No way. He loved Deb, but she couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on
it. "Spill what?"
"Whatever's got you looking like you woke up this morning and found out
that your dick was missing."
That actually produced a laugh. "I'm fine Deb, really. Just busy."
She eyed him skeptically. "If that asshole did-"
"Brian didn't do anything," he interrupted, losing all humour.
"Brian didn't do anything at all, Deb. And sometimes - for the record -
*I'm* the one who screws up. He's not always to blame." He knew it was
because of old habits and because, well, sometimes Brian really *was* an
asshole. But it rubbed him the wrong way.
Deb didn't look like she felt particularly chastised, and her answer wasn't
something he saw coming. "You know Michael and David broke up?"
Suddenly he understood the Brian bashing - Deb wanted Michael to be happy,
thought he'd be happy with David, and wanted someone to blame. "Yeah, I
heard. But that doesn't mean Brian had anything to do with it." He
couldn't really blame her for thinking Brian might be involved - more than once
in the past Brian had done everything he could to make sure Michael still
adored him, to be the one thing Michael focused on the most.
But times had changed, and so had Brian and Michael.
"Come on, Deb. Think about it. When was the last time you saw him try to
influence Michael?"
Staring at him for a while, Deb jerked when the order bell rang. Instinctively
turning towards the pick-up window, she paused and turned back to face him.
"You know you've got your hands full with that one."
It wasn't a question, and it was also kinda late for that kind of advice.
Justin had known that even before he'd handcuffed Brian to the shower.
"Luckily Brian likes it when I have my hands full," he forced a grin,
making Deb roll her eyes and gently whack him around the head before she moved
away to pick up her order.
Pleased that that 'confrontation' hadn't flared up with as much drama as he
would've suspected - maybe he was getting better at handling Deb - Justin got
back to work. He fell into a rhythm - take order, bring food, clean away dishes
- and while his body worked his mind was plotting ways to get Brian out of the
latest funk.
And also trying not to think about what losing the job might mean for *them*.
From what he'd been able to figure out, it seemed as if the company had decided
to promote from within; give the position to someone who already knew the
company and its procedures. Though Justin would never say it he did kind of
understand that logic, but he also knew that Kennedy and Collins had shot itself
in the foot without even realising it when they hadn't hired Brian.
He tried to concentrate on the upside. Brian still had a job that he enjoyed.
Brian was still close to his adopted family and all his friends. Most
importantly, Brian was still close to Gus. Maybe he could try the Gus technique
again; ask Linds if she'd mind bringing over Gus. Even if it was a blatantly
obvious move that Brian would catch onto right away, Gus always made him feel
"Hey, kiddo."
Distracted, it took Justin a few moments to look up from the table he was
cleaning and realise that the voice was directed at him. "Hey, Vic,"
he said, and realised that maybe there was something else he could try.
"Didn't expect to see you here today."
"Can't say I blame you," Vic smiled, taking off his jacket and
lowering himself into the booth Justin had been cleaning up. "But after my
brush with the law I realised that I don't take advantage of the freedoms I
*do* have, so I decided to get out and do more. There's nothing keeping me in
that house every day except me."
"That's great," Justin grinned, meaning it - Vic deserved every kind
of happiness, and it sounded like a great idea.
"So," Vic continued, smirking, "I take it from the way the two
of you were all over each other Friday night that the outlook on a potential
move to New York is bright?"
Good mood faltering, Justin hesitated before sliding in to the other side of
the booth. "Actually...there's something I wanted to talk to you
Making his own way back to the loft after work, Justin wasn't surprised to see
Brian and Vic talking together. They were on opposite sides of the kitchen
counter, and they both swivelled their heads towards him when Justin walked
into the loft.
"Hey," he greeted, sliding the door shut and walking further into the
loft, pausing by Brian. "Hi, Vic," he said innocently.
"Justin," he nodded.
"Oh, please," Brian rolled his eyes, turning his whole body until it
was facing Justin. "Like I believe you have nothing to do with the fact
that Vic just *suddenly* decided to visit me and ask how my career was
Flushing, Justin decided it wasn't worth trying to hide it anymore. "Vic's
a good listener," he pointed out needlessly.
"Is there anything you *don't* tell him?"
Frowning as he thought it over, Justin glanced towards Vic - who was looking
entirely too pleased with the situation - and shrugged. "I don't think
"Christ," Brian muttered, turning back towards the counter, bracing
his hands along the edge.
"Just be glad I don't tell Deb," Justin argued, "and besides,
it's your own fault. If you were actually willing to talk to me like a normal
human being, I wouldn't have to resort to this kind of underhanded
Pausing, Brian blinked down at the counter. "So it's my fault you're a
conniving twat?"
"Of course it is," he snarked, then sighed, and turned his head
towards Justin again. "And how was work, dear?"
Grinning at the mocking tone - a clear indication that Brian was feeling better
than he had this morning - Justin stepped closer and placed a hand on Brian's
hip. "It was fine, until I got home and had to deal with some idiot who
doesn't like it when I try to help him."
Brian didn't look away. "Justin..."
Neither did he. "I just want you to be happy. And I refuse to be ashamed
of that." He met Brian's gaze steadily, head-on. Brian was going to have
to be the one to break this look and eventually he did, tugging Justin closer
to kiss him.
It was short, brief, and afterwards Brian muttered, "It was just a fucking
But it wasn't just a fucking job. It was Brian's dream, New York, and the two
of them together. "Then why are you queening out?" he teased quietly.
"I'm not queening-"
"Liar," he breathed out, pinching lightly at Brian's side. "With
me princessing and you queening - fuck, we even have a crown - I'd say we're
pretty evenly matched."
"It certainly makes you fun to watch," Vic interrupted, making them
turn towards him.
Justin'd forgotten he was even then for a few seconds. "Vic, uh," his
eyes fell to the empty cup resting on the counter in front of him. "Can I
get you another drink?"
"Don't worry about it," he grinned, climbing off the stool he'd been
sitting on, then traversing the loft to retrieve the jacket he'd apparently
left on the sofa. "I'm gonna head off," he continued, slipping his
jacket on. "Things to do, places to see."
"Want me to drop you off?" Brian offered.
"Thanks for the offer," he answered, "but I think I'll make my
own way. See you guys later."
Neither one of them had moved. Justin smiled. "'Bye, Vic."
"Thanks, Vic."
Raising his hand as a farewell, he let himself out of the loft.
Justin turned back towards Brian. "I don't suppose you're gonna tell me
exactly what you talked about?"
"You'd suppose right," he replied, grabbing Justin's hips and walking
him backwards out of the kitchen.
"Uh," Justin began, just going with it and starting to grin,
"where are we going?"
"I'm disappointed in you, Sunshine," he answered, guiding him to the
other side of the loft and carefully up the stairs. "I'd have thought that
would've been obvious."
"Well," Justin grinned, "now that we're-" he was pushed
back onto the bed with a thud, "-here, I think I can guess."
"Wow," Brian stood by the end of the bed, holding his hand out.
Getting the idea, Justin lifted his left leg and let Brian pull off his
sneaker. "1500 on your SATs doesn't let you miss anything, does it?"
The other sneaker was duly removed.
"I do have some keen observation skills," he agreed happily, watching
as Brian lowered himself down to his knees and crawled up the bed. "For
example, you look really hot right now. Although I think blind apes fifty miles
away could see that you look really hot right now."
Chuckling, Brian settled on top of him. "Blind apes can think whatever the
fuck they want - I'm not about to fuck them."
"And for that we're all grateful. It's good to know beastiality isn't your
thing." He may have been teasing, but he was relieved as fuck, too. Brian
was still going to be disappointed and they may not have been moving to New
York together anymore, but things with them were going to be just fine.
Well, 'hot' would probably be a better way of describing it.
Leaning closer, Brian sniffed at Justin's neck. "I don't know," he
murmured, rubbing his groin against Justin's, "I'm feeling some animal
impulses right about now."
It could've been an attempt not to think about New York; to distract himself
with sex. Or, Brian could've just been horny. Either way, Justin really didn't
give a fuck. "Always follow your instincts," he replied, and Brian
did just that.
"It wasn't my dream."
Relaxing post-fuck, his head resting on Brian's shoulder, Justin blinked his
eyes open and realised what Brian was talking about. "New York?"
That was surprising. "New York wasn't your dream?"
"Not exactly," Brian said. "It was the first step."
The first step. To...something else? That was what first steps were for, right?
"So what is your dream?"
"Something that'll have to wait," he exhaled. "When I know for
sure that I've beaten this thing. It'll take a lot of work, and time, and
stress. So it'll have to wait."
Awed, Justin turned his head - then his whole body - towards him. That was a
huge admission. Whatever it was, Brian knew he wasn't ready. "When you are
ready," he said quietly, "I'll be here." An arm shifted around
him, pulling him closer, and Justin sighed as he snuggled into Brian's chest.
"I *am* sorry you didn't get the job."
He shrugged. "It was probably for the best, anyway."
"Why's that?" Justin asked, tipping his head back to see his face.
"Your mom would've had my balls if I'd taken you away from
Justin laughed, before realising it was probably true.
before Justin knew it, the end of the school year was approaching. The end of
*high school*. He'd no longer be at fucking St James, and he'd be winging his
way to college.
Shit, that was gonna be weird. While he couldn't say he'd enjoyed being at St
James, he *had* got used to walking through the corridors, seeing certain
people, talking to Daph every day. And so much had happened outside school
while he'd been attending - coming out, moving out, meeting Brian (and
everything that came with meeting Brian). Everything seemed to stay the same at
school - friends, jocks, jerks - while outside, sometimes, everything felt like
it was on fast forward.
Prom was coming up soon (it was all anyone talked about at school anymore, and
Justin was getting sick of it), then graduation and then - no more St James.
And no more Chris fucking Hobbs.
He didn't see it coming. He'd been walking along the corridor with Daph, trying
*not* to talk about prom - no matter how much she brought the subject up - when
suddenly a hand shoved him from behind. Stumbling towards the side of the
corridor, his feet got caught up on themselves and he pitched forward, the side
of his face slamming into the wall.
Sliding down to the floor, Justin blinked heavily when Daph bent down next to
him, and he slowly turned his head to see Hobbs standing over them, sneering.
Justin wanted to retaliate, but he still felt dazed and knew Chris would have
no trouble knocking his brains out if they got into a fight right now.
"What's the matter, Taylor?" Hobbs demanded. "With all the
butt-fucking you and your boyfriend do, I figured you could handle a little
shove like that."
Of course, that didn't mean Justin was about to keep his mouth shut. "We
prefer to keep the butt-fucking off the school premises," he replied
coolly, smirking up at Hobbs. "Handjobs, on the other hand..."
Oh, yeah. Chris didn't like that at all. It might've been a good idea to keep
his mouth shut.
Expression darkening, Chris took a step towards him and drew back his fist.
Pausing, Chris grunted and looked down the corridor where his 'girlfriend'
(Justin suspected 'beard' would be the appropriate term) was waiting.
"Come on!" she continued. "We'll be late!"
Obviously annoyed at being ordered around by his girlfriend in front of people,
Chris barked out that he'd be right there, and leaned down towards Justin.
"I'll kick your ass another time, Taylor. Consider that a promise."
With one last glare he stood up and stalked away.
The small crowd that'd gathered around them slowly started to disperse.
"What an asshole," Daphne said, reaching out to carefully touch the
left side of Justin's face. "What is his problem? Does it hurt?"
Wincing, he drew away. "Yeah." He didn't know what Chris' problem was
- other than the fact that he was a probably-closeted homophobic jerk. Until
now, Chris'd been leaving him alone lately. "Maybe he saw me and Brian
kissing outside school or something."
"Or maybe he's just a psychopath," Daph offered, holding out her
hand. "Can you walk?"
Rolling his eyes, Justin took the proferred hand and pulled himself up.
"It's just a bruise, Daph. It's not like I got a concussion." He
tried contorting his face and *ow*. That fucking hurt.
Picking up his bag, Daphne handed it to him, obviously still worried.
"Come on. Let's see if we can find some ice or something."
Justin would've objected - it was hardly his first bruise from Chris Hobbs -
but it was starting to throb and was right *there* on his face.
"Yeah," he said, ignoring the last couple of people who were still
staring at them, "sure."
God, he was so glad he'd never have to see Chris again.
By the time Justin got back to the loft, the bruise on his face was a nice
light purple colour. Inspecting his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he was
definitely still pissed off, but at least it didn't cover the entire side of
his face. The worst damage was around the side of his eye and the top of his
left cheek.
Moving to the kitchen he took some ice out of the fridge, wrapped it in a
dishtowel, and carefully held it against the side of his face. Sighing, he
decided he deserved to do nothing right now and stretched out on the sofa to
watch crappy TV, placing the home-made ice pack next to his head and leaning
against it. If Brian complained about it ruining his sofa, Justin would just
tell him to go fuck himself.
The really crappy TV was almost hypnotic, and it didn't take long for Justin to
start dozing. He wasn't quite asleep but he wasn't fully awake, either. He kind
of heard the door to the loft opening and closing, was vaguely aware that Brian
was home, but he didn't really *know* until a hand nudged his foot.
Stirring, Justin slowly began to open his eyes.
"Hard day, Sunshine?"
Smiling up at Brian, he couldn't help but notice the familiar expression on his
face. "Hmm, well something's hard, anyway."
Smirking, Brian grabbed on to his legs and physically pulled his body down the
sofa in one sudden move. Surprised, Justin squawked as Brian splayed his legs
up in the air, then leant down between them over the side of the sofa.
"Why don't I show you?"
A fuck at this particular angle would be feasible, if uncomfortable - there was
a reason the back of the sofa was better for fucking - but for now Justin just
enjoyed the kiss Brian gave him. They could move later if they needed to.
Sighing, Justin closed his eyes and tried to pull Brian closer - but as it
ended up, Brian started pulling him up from the sofa. Chuckling, he didn't
resist, trying not to break the kiss as he was pulled up to sit on the arm of
the sofa. Eventually, however, he did end the kiss, nipping at Brian's neck and
throat, holding onto his sides-
-when suddenly Brian pushed him away, grabbing Justin's chin to turn his head
and stare at the side of his face.
"What the fuck happened to your face?"
Brian could go from horny to pissed off in no time at all. Catching his breath,
Justin spoke. "Chris Hobbs decided to shove me into a wall."
Free hand lifting up, Brian brushed Justin's hair out of the way to get a
better look. "Fucker."
"Pretty much," Justin shrugged, smiling. "But it's okay, Brian.
I'm fine."
"You shouldn't have to be," he retorted, releasing Justin as he
stalked across the loft towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he started
making another ice pack.
"I already have one of those," Justin pointed out, sliding back
further onto the sofa and frowning when he couldn't find it. Eventually
locating the soggy towel on the floor, he picked it up. "Okay, maybe
Brian was suddenly there next to him, tugging him up to his feet. Taking the
wet towel away from him he threw it onto the table, then placed one hand on
Justin's shoulder and used the other to carefully place the new ice pack next
to his face. "Here. Hold this."
Resigned to the fact that Brian was going to take care of him whether he wanted
him to or not - and really, it was kind of sweet - Justin shrugged and sat down
as Brian stormed off somewhere else. Turning off the TV, Justin heard him thump
around in the bathroom, then the kitchen, and then he was sitting next to
Justin, placing two white pills and an open bottle of water on the coffee
Justin turned towards him, frowning.
"They're anti-inflammatory's," Brian told him, "but you're not
allergic to them."
Not sure how much use they'd be Justin took them anyway, swallowing the pills
down with a big gulp of water. He knew Brian must've had a lot of bruises to
deal with as a kid - a thought that made him sick to his stomach - and though
he'd seen Brian look after his own injured hand before, he'd never seen him
have to treat anyone else with this kind of injury.
Maybe the one good thing to come out of his father's abuse was how Brian knew -
and was apparently determined - to look after others.
Standing up, Brian walked away from the sofa. "So, what do you want for
dinner? Maybe we could-"
"Brian." Following him, Justin abandoned the ice pack and was
standing right next to him when he turned around. Obviously surprised, Brian
tried not to show it but didn't pull away when Justin leaned up to hug him.
"Thank you."
Hesitating for a moment, Brian's arms eventually wrapped around him, pulling
him close. His voice was rough when he responded. "No one gets to hurt
you. No one."
Holding him tighter, Justin closed his eyes and fought back the burning at the
back of his throat. "You so care about me," he tried to tease, but
his voice wobbled.
Brian didn't call him on it. Planting a kiss just above the bruise - making
Justin open his eyes again to look up at him - he finally pulled away.
"So," Justin cleared his throat as Brian quietly clunked around the
kitchen to pretend he was fine, "any plans tonight?"
Since losing out on the job, Brian had been spending more time with Michael;
ostensibly because Michael had broken up with David (he'd moved back in with
Emmett the same weekend they'd gone to the zoo). Even with their problems,
Michael was his still oldest friend. But Justin suspected Brian was getting
something out of their time together, too. He'd suffered his own kind of
break-up with the loss of the job and, though he'd been handling it remarkably
well, he seemed to feel even better whenever he hung out with Michael.
Sometimes Justin would come home from the diner and find the two of them
laughing on the sofa, watching bad porn and eating amazing amounts of junk food
- even without pot (Justin would inevitably join them - he could hardly let any
of that food go to waste).
"Nothing specific," Brian replied, fiddling with the coffee maker.
"Why, you wanna do something?"
"I was just thinking it's been a while since we've been to Woody's." The
words were just suddenly *there*. He hadn't planned them at all, yet they were
coming out his mouth. But the more he thought about it, the more he liked the
idea. After dealing with a jerk like Chris today, he wanted to visit some place
that was gay-friendly.
"Sure, if you want," Brian said nonchalantly, fighting a losing
battle with the coffee filter. "And you'll have a new battle scar to
display proudly." Cursing, he finally managed to yank the filter out of
the coffee maker and hurled it onto the counter.
Definitely. He wasn't going to hide his face just because some homophobe
couldn't deal with who he was. "Great! I'll go get changed." He
thought he heard a sigh as he headed for the bedroom, but he ignored it.
"Oh! And I want Chinese for dinner!"
"Don't push it."
Okay, so he may have been milking the sympathy for his injury - this could end
up coming in useful for Brian's upcoming birthday - but really, how often did
Brian let him do whatever he wanted with no complaints at all?
When he emerged from the bedroom a few minutes later, Brian was in the middle
of ordering egg fried rice. Deciding a thank you was in order, Justin promptly
sucked him off.
While he was still on the phone.
one at Woody's seemed to be paying him much attention. Aside from the
occasional cruise, no one seemed fascinated or horrified by his bruised face.
Though he would've stayed even if everyone *had* been staring at him, Justin
had to admit he was relieved. Winning the King of Babylon competition had made
him realise that he really didn't mind being the centre of attention - for the
right reasons. Fascinated pity or sympathy was a bad thing. Thinking he was
hot, on the other hand, was definitely welcome.
Brian seemed to think he was particularly hot tonight; he'd barely kept his
hands off him since they'd left the loft. Justin almost regretted the fact that
they hadn't stayed home to make use of the bed, but he really *did* want to go
to Woody's.
So they did, and ordered two non-alcoholic drinks, and when they found a spare
table they sat down and started making out like a couple of horny teenagers -
instead of one teenager and a horny almost-thirty-year-old. Justin loved it, he
fucking *revelled* in the fact that he could do this - kiss a guy in public.
And no one thought it was wrong, or disgusting or shoved him into a wall. In
fact, if anyone noticed it at all they probably just thought it was hot.
And he loved that Brian was doing this at all. As much as he proclaimed a love
of fucking in 'public' places - back rooms, the baths, bathroom stalls - Brian
wasn't a fan of what could be classified as PDA's. He'd mocked couples in front
of Justin before who'd just been sucking face in public - but when Justin
thought about it, he realised it'd been a while since that'd happened. A few
months, in fact.
But then Brian was sucking on his tongue, and Justin forgot about thinking
"Excuse me for interrupting, boys," a familiar voice said, "but
do you mind if I take a photograph? Hotness like that needs to be preserved for
Laughing out of the kiss, Justin pulled his lips away from Brian's.
"Only if we get a fee," Brian was saying already, as Justin grinned
and turned towards Em.
Whose expression suddenly changed to one of horror. "Oh my God, sweetie,
what happened to your face?" He practically tripped over himself running
around the table, and it was only then that Justin realised Michael was there,
"Just some jerk at school," Justin brushed it off, trying not to feel
uncomfortable as Emmett bent down next to him. "I'm fine."
Em studied his face anxiously. "That same jerk who set your locker on
He really didn't need to ask. It was obvious, so Justin said nothing.
Pulling out the empty chair next to Brian, Michael sat down. "So much for
St James stopping any bullying. I can't believe they'd let shit like that
continue. If nothing else, it gives them a bad name."
"Of course you can believe it, Mikey," Brian shifted in his chair, as
Emmett pushed himself to his feet and sat down too, "stuck-up places like
St James don't give a shit about gay boys. No one gives a shit about gay
boys." Pausing, he leant towards Justin again, placing a hand on the back
of his neck. "Besides other gay boys," he smiled, pulling him in for
another kiss.
Brian wasn't exactly right but, right then, the only thing that mattered *was*
other gay boys. Or a particular gay man.
Grinning when the kiss ended, Justin pretended to nuzzle towards his neck.
"Good thing I have you to protect me," he teased, before leaning away
to face the others. "Anyway, it'll all be over soon. I only have a few
weeks left, and then I never have to see St James or Chris Hobbs ever
"You must be so excited," Emmett grinned. "I mean - no more high
school! God, I was so happy when I got out of that town."
"Yeah," Brian drawled, "but you were in the middle of
No-Buttfuck, USA."
Emmett just rolled his eyes and kept addressing Justin. "So, how long
until prom?"
"Next Friday."
"Next Friday!" Em repeated, his voice going up an octave.
"Next...next *Friday*? It's that soon and you gave me no warning at
Frowning, Justin stared at him. "Why would you need warning?"
"To help you pick an outfit! Decide what to wear, how to style your hair!
Your senior prom is a once in a lifetime event," he finished emphatically.
For someone who'd been so eager to escape the bigotry of his hometown, he
seemed remarkably obsessed with the idea of prom. "Actually, to be honest
I wasn't sure if I was even going for a while."
Emmett's hand came up to rest against his chest. "You're...not
"I wasn't," he admitted. "The prom is for straights, you know?
They always make it about being there with a date - a *female* date. And then I
figured that if I did go, I'd go with Daph - but she's dating Glen now. Which'd
mean turning up alone. I'm already the school pariah - that'd be like painting
a target on my back," he paused, looking at each of them. "Which is
exactly why I'm going."
"Just why I went to mine," Em nodded proudly, and suddenly Justin
understood why Emmett wanted him to go. They had the same reasons.
"They're not going to scare this particular fag off no matter how much
they may want to." Leaning towards Justin's seat he wrapped an arm around
him, pulling him close. The positioning was kind of awkward, but it was nice.
"I know what could solve Justin's lack of a date problem," Michael
"Oh?" Brian asked, sounding distracted, as he removed Emmett's arm
from around Justin. "And what's that?"
Michael grinned. "You could go."
Brian froze. Justin coughed. Emmett clapped.
"Oh my *God*!" he enthused. "That would be *so*-"
"-unlikely to happen," Brian interrupted, leaning back in his chair.
"Brian's right," Justin agreed before he could get started on some
anti-prom diatribe. He'd thought about it enough himself. "He can't come,
that's not what prom is about."
"But isn't the whole reason you're willing to go the fact that you want to
show what prom *should* be about? And anyway, isn't prom supposed to be about
the end of an era and the start of a new one, and not just who you turn up
Wow. Justin could honestly say he'd never expected to hear Michael say anything
even remotely like that.
Clearing his throat, Em suddenly stood up. "Well! I don't know about you
guys, but I'm absolutely *parched*. I'm practically a desert! I'll get us all a
drink. Michael, can you give me a hand, please?" he finished, giving
Michael no choice in the matter when he grabbed his arm and yanked him up out
of his chair.
When they were alone, Justin shifted in his chair. "Well, Michael
definitely seems to be on something tonight." Try as he might not to, he
*had* thought about prom and about Brian being there. And though dancing
together in front of everyone would be great - okay, way better than great - he
also knew how unrealistic it was.
"Yeah," Brian grunted, "I think it's called the post-Doc
Justin looked at him. "Huh?"
Brian shrugged. "Seems since breaking up with the Doc he's turned into
quite the romantic. Or maybe I should say even more of a romantic than
usual," he smirked as his voice turned mocking. "Everyone should know
themselves, be with who they really want, true love, blah blah. Romantic shit.
He keeps trying to make sure everyone's happy."
He could imagine that being...actually kind of irritating. And it also
explained some of the weird comments Michael had been making to him lately.
"So what did you do for your prom?" Justin asked, trying to steer the
conversation away from his own.
"Didn't go," he replied. "Mikey and I went to Babylon.
Fuck," he paused, laughing quietly, "you should've seen him. First
time he wore leather pants. He looked so pathetic."
Smiling, Justin nudged Brian's leg with his own. "Don't forget that I know
*you* were quite the dork back then."
"I'm sure you must be thinking of some other Brian," he insisted.
"Because this Brian Kinney has never been anything but a hot stud."
Okay, now he *had* to be teasing. "Right, that's why-"
"Is it what you want?"
The question came out of nowhere, surprising him. "Is what what I
"Me," he paused, looking off to one side. "At the prom. Is that
what you want?"
Sometimes Brian still managed to surprise him. Justin opened his mouth to say
no instinctively...but that wouldn't have been the truth. "It'd be great
being there with you," he confessed, "dancing in front of everyone. A
final fuck you and farewell to St James Academy. But..." he hesitated.
"You're my practically 30-year-old boyfriend, Brian. I'm really not
expecting you to be there."
For once not wincing at the age reference, Brian glanced back towards him as
Emmett and Michael returned to the table. "You didn't answer the
He hadn't.
The next week or so passed quickly, with enough things going on to keep Justin
distracted - school, the end of school, working at the diner - and almost
before he knew it, it was Wednesday evening.
The night before Brian's 30th birthday.
Justin knew better than to expect Brian to suddenly turn into a drunken mess by
now, but other than being a little quieter than usual Brian had pretty much
been himself in the build-up to his birthday. Subsequently, Justin was
surprised and pleased when his shift ended and he found Brian waiting outside
the diner for him.
"Hey," he greeted, climbing up into the Jeep and being rewarded with
a kiss. "Mmm," he grinned as he pulled back. "The best way to
Snorting, Brian started pulling the Jeep out onto the road. "The kind of
perk you only get when you *come* with Kinney Travel."
Justin groaned. "That was bad, Brian. Really."
"You love it."
Well, he did. That didn't mean it wasn't bad. Opening his mouth, he paused when
Brian drove by their usual turn. "Uh...where are we going?"
"I've been thinking," Brian replied conversationally, driving
intently, "about that night at Woody's. About you going to the prom just
because some assholes don't want you there. About things that never
What the fuck? "Brian?"
"I turn thirty tomorrow."
This he could deal with. He knew there'd be some kind of queen out. "It's
really not as big as you think it is, Brian."
"Right," he said blankly, "wait another twelve years, then see
how the fuck you feel. But the fucker of it is," he indicated, slowing
down to turn, "I thought I'd be dead by now. And since I'm not, there's
shit that needs to be dealt with. Shit that never should've been a fucking
Maybe this was some kind of early mid-life crisis. Shit, Brian had probably had
five of them by now. "And what shit's that?"
Brian didn't say anything but he did indicate again, and Justin began to
realise where they were going.
Holy shit.
He didn't *know* why or what for, but the fact that Brian had brought him
along...well, it did give him an idea. "Are you sure about this?"
Not responding, Brian just kept driving. In fact, he didn't say anything at all
until they parked and got out of the car.
"Come on," was what he finally said, jogging up the sidewalk, then
the path that led to the stairs to the porch. Up them in seconds, Brian
immediately began knocking on the door.
When he got no response after five seconds he tried again. And again. And
again, trying to peer through a window. It was obvious he really wanted to
fucking do this.
So Justin would help him.
Finally turning towards him, distracted, Brian frowned harder. "What the
fuck do you want?"
Reaching out, Justin smiled and held Brian's hand, threading their fingers
And that was the moment Joan Kinney opened her front door.
didn't pull his hand away.
Peering cautiously around the edge of her door, Mrs Kinney's eyes widened in
recognition and she pulled the door open further. "Brian?"
"Well," she was in a robe, and pulled the edges around her neck
closer together, covering any exposed skin. "I have to confess it's a
surprise to see you here. I usually only get to see you twice a year."
Justin really wasn't sure if she was actually trying to be a bitch or not, and
he was still trying to decide that when she seemed to realise he was even
there. "I know you," she said slowly, frowning. "You were at my
husband's funeral."
"Yes, Mrs Kinney," he nodded. "I'm Justin."
"Justin, yes," she mimicked, then cleared her throat. "As you
can see, I'm not dressed for company, but..." Her words drifted off as she
finally glanced down and saw that they were holding hands. "I..." She
stopped, frowning harder. "What are you doing here?" Although it was
right *there* in front of her, she was obviously seriously in denial or
seriously drunk.
Justin was beginning to suspect a bit of both.
"Don't worry, we're not staying," Brian told her casually. "Just
have some news to share."
Swallowing, obviously nervous - and probably not really wanting to know - Mrs
Kinney spoke as her hand tightened its grip on her robe. "And what news is
"I'm queer, Mom, and Sunshine here is the guy I fuck on a regular
Justin really wasn't sure if Brian was actually trying to give his mom a heart
attack or not, but it fucking sounded like it.
Gasping, Mrs Kinney stumbled back, her eyes widening in horror. Losing her hold
on the robe, her hand came up as she muttered something Justin couldn't make
out. He almost felt sorry for her.
And then she grabbed the edge of the door, trying to swing it shut.
Brian's reflexes were faster; wrenching away from Justin and moving forward,
stopping the door from shutting by pressing his shoulder against it and
planting one food inside the doorway. With his obvious advantage in strength he
could've easily pushed past her into the house, but he didn't, apparently
content just to make sure she was going to hear what he had to say.
"How dare you!" she hissed. "How dare you tell me something like
that outside, where anyone could hear! I hope you know it's a sin."
"What - that I'm gay, or that I told you in public?"
"You can make all the jokes you want," she snapped, still bracing the
door. "The Bible makes it clear. You're going to hell." Christ. Any
lingering doubts that Justin might have had about what kind of mother she was
promptly cleared up.
"Lucky me," Brian retorted, "maybe I'll get a discount on the
cost of the trip. Considering I've been there before - in the eighteen fucking
years I was living with *you*!"
"Shame!" she yelled. "Shame! And with a child, Brian! It's bad
enough that you're a sinner, but with a child? If my friends ever found
Justin had to bite his lip, holding back the immediate response that wanted to
roll - well, yell - off his tongue. He was there to support him, but it was
definitely Brian's show.
"Justin's eighteen," Brian argued, "which makes him legal. And
he was legal at seventeen, when I first started fucking him. And it isn't about
*you*, Mom. This isn't about humiliating you in front of your friends, or your
church - it has nothing to do with you. This is about *me*. I'm queer, and I'm
"Being a sodomite?" she sounded appalled.
"That's right, Mom," he breathed. "What do you have to be happy
about? A drunken, dead husband who didn't give two shits about anyone except
himself? The brandy I can smell on your breath right now? Trust me, I've tried
that and it doesn't work. Your ungrateful bitch of a daughter? Or God," he
paused, "maybe if you pray long enough and hard enough, God'll bring you
everything you want." Finally pulling away from the door, Brian removed
his weight and stepped back down onto the porch.
Justin was kind of surprised she didn't immediately slam the door shut; instead
clinging to the edge like the world would suddenly implode if she let go.
"Except it doesn't work that way," Brian continued. "If you want
something you've gotta fucking go after it, or," he turned his head
towards Justin, smirking at him, "hope that it's fucking stupid enough to
come after you." Justin's heart clenched, even as Brian turned back
towards her. "'Bye, Mom. Don't bother contacting me unless you suddenly
figure out that gays aren't the Anti-Christ." Turning away, he started
down the steps. "Come on, Sunshine."
Shit, Justin could barely believe any of that, trailing after Brian. He'd
pretty much just stared in shock the whole time - that Brian was actually doing
this, that his mom's priorities could be so fucked up. Jesus Christ.
"Brian!" she called after them, but neither one of them turned
around. "Brian, you can repent! You can pray for forgiveness! I still love
you; you're still my son! It's not too late to choose a different path! To save
yourself from the eternal fire!"
None of it seemed to bother Brian. Reaching for Justin's hand as they walked to
the Jeep, he smirked as he spoke loudly. "I just want to be happy,
Mom," he squeezed Justin's hand, only releasing it when they reached the
car, "and I refuse to be ashamed of that anymore."
Justin's ass was seriously sore by the time they collapsed nearly four hours
later. Not that fucking on every available surface hadn't been extremely, extremely
enjoyable - apparently confronting his mom made Brian even hornier than usual
(something that almost everyone would've deemed impossible) - but as Brian
started kissing his way down Justin's back *again*, he couldn't stop the
whining noise that came out.
"No more," he complained quietly, mumbling into the sex and
sweat-covered sheets. "My ass has had enough. My cock has had enough. I
think another orgasm would kill me." He was gonna feel like shit tomorrow
morning, no doubt about it.
Laughing quietly, Brian relented, moving away from Justin's back and collapsing
on the bed next to him. "Death by sex. Worse ways to go. Hey," he
said, "when I'm...*old*," he shuddered, "and it looks like I'm
about to croak, you have to fuck me to death."
Brian had been almost...jovial since they'd left his mom's - not to mention
horny. But that statement was just fucking weird. Groaning quietly - he was so
fucking tired - Justin turned over to face him. "You want me to fuck you
to death?"
"How can you possibly sound surprised?" Brian lifted his eyebrows.
"You think I want a regular old normal death? I want to go out doing the
thing I always did best."
Smiling gently, Justin propped himself up and leaned over him. "Hate to
break it to you," he said quietly, "but as wonderful as it is, it's
not quite what you do best." Leaning closer, Justin lowered his head to
kiss him. There was absolutely no way he was getting hard again - frankly, he
doubted even Brian could get hard again - but he could still enjoy the sensation
of kissing, the pressure of Brian's mouth, the familiar warmth.
Slowly ending the kiss, Justin sighed and settled down, resting his head on
Brian's chest.
"I'm not going to ask what you were referring to," Brian told him,
voice rumbling through his chest.
"Because it'll be something ridiculously sappy and romantic, and it'll
make me wanna hurl."
Justin smiled. "Yeah, it will."
"Good. Just so we're clear."
"Crystal," he burrowed closer, his right hand resting on Brian's
chest. "Brian?"
"Are you...?" He'd refrained from asking until now, giving Brian time
to absorb the conversation with his mom and...well, giving them both time to
fuck. A lot. But he did want to know. Brian seemed to be doing well and it
didn't look like a front, but...
"I'm fabulous, Sunshine," he replied, the hand that had been resting
on Justin's back now moving to tug through his tangled hair. "She gave
me...exactly what I expected. No more, no less."
And though he didn't sound upset, didn't sound the least bit disappointed -
maybe he finally couldn't be, anymore - there was something about that that
Justin found so incredibly sad that he pushed himself up from Brian's chest to
look at his face again. "You knew," he said firmly. "You knew
exactly how she'd react, and you told her anyway."
Brian just shrugged.
It was the bravest fucking thing Justin could think of. For all that Justin was
out and proud now, he'd never had to go through the trauma of actually telling
his parents. Mom had figured it out, and she'd been the one to tell Dad. But
Brian had told both of his parents, knowing - despite a half-assed apology from
Jack - that they wouldn't accept it.
And he'd gone ahead and told them anyway.
Suddenly fighting back tears, Justin blamed it on the exhaustion and put his
head back on Brian's chest.
He hadn't been quick enough.
"I'm fine," he mumbled. "Just tired."
Sighing, Brian started playing with his hair again. "Okay. So," he
continued, "what orchestrated delights await me tomorrow?" It was an
obvious attempt to change the subject, and Justin was grateful for it.
"Every year for as long as I can remember, I've told Mikey not to do
anything for my birthday. Every year, without fail, he completely ignores
That sounded like Michael. And...well...if Brian already knew and didn't seem
particularly resistant to the idea at the moment, there was no reason Justin
couldn't tell him. "Just dinner at Deb's. Nothing too offensive."
"Deb's entire *house* is offensive. She has vagina wallpaper, for fuck's
Justin pushed himself up immediately. "She does *not* have vagina
"She fucking does," Brian argued, laughing. "Trust me - next
time you're over there, give the wallpaper a good look. You'll see what I
"I'll take your word for it," Justin retorted, kinda freaked out by
the idea that he'd be surrounded by vagina's tomorrow night. "I've never
seen one up close and personal and plan to keep it that way. Despite what Daph
might-" Oh. Fuck.
Brian caught it immediately. "Daphne?" Shit. "What does little
Daphne have to do with this?"
There was no way, absolutely no way Brian would let this go. When it came to
gossip, he was just like any other fag. Sitting up, Justin rubbed a hand over
his face. "You have to promise you'll never mention this to anyone.
Especially not Daphne."
"Why the-?"
Grumbling, Brian shifted until he was sitting up, too. "Okay. I won't say
a word. Now what the fuck is it?"
"Daphne asked me to sleep with her. Uh," he paused, "I said
Brian had some trouble processing that. "She knows you're queer,
Justin rolled his eyes. "Look, it was just because she was thinking about
fucking Glen, and she didn't want to come across as a total loser who didn't
know what she was doing."
He considered that for a few moments. "I don't know," he replied,
smirking at Justin, "there's something to be said for total losers who
don't know what they're doing."
Justin flushed with embarrassment. Fun though his first time had been - or
rather, that Brian had made it - he also couldn't forget the total idiot he'd
turned into. "Oh yeah, talking about diarrhoea was clearly the hottest
thing I've ever done."
Laughing quietly, Brian slid back down the bed. "Certainly made you
That was better than being forgettable, he supposed, as he scooted down next to
him. "So it was my smooth talking about diarrhoea that got you to fuck me
more than once, huh?"
"What can I say?" Brian asked rhetorically, pulling him close.
"I have a secret scat fetish."
Laughing, Justin rested his head beneath Brian's chin. "Brian?"
"Yeah, Diarrhoea Boy?"
"I'm glad you took me with you."
They were quiet for a while until Brian's left hand moved, splaying across
Justin's back. "If I am going to hell," the hand slid to Justin's
hip, holding on firmly, "at least I have company."
up a few minutes early the next morning, Justin yawned and wiped his eyes
before carefully reaching over Brian to turn off the alarm before it sounded. A
birthday blowjob was definitely in order - Brian was always in a better mood
when he started the day coming.
And he definitely enjoyed it, stirring as Justin started working on his cock;
groaning quietly as he started getting hard. Gasping as he grabbed a handful of
hair and fucked Justin's mouth for all it was worth.
Smacking his lips loudly, deliberately, Justin climbed up Brian's body to share
the remnants of his taste, mouths fitting together as Brian wrapped his arms
around him.
"Mmm," Brian responded eventually, almost grinning. "That's the
kind of birthday present I'll never mind fucking getting."
Smiling, Justin escaped Brian's hold and slipped from the bed. Pausing in the
doorway to the bathroom, naked, he shot a flirtatious look over his shoulder,
wiggling his ass. "If you want this, you'll have to come and get it."
He flushed as he said it but that didn't stop him from strutting into the
shower to start the water.
Brian was there within seconds.
Things weren't so good at school, but he didn't know that until his first class
with Daphne. She looked like shit, and was doing a bad job of trying to hide
the fact that she looked like shit by wearing way too much make-up.
Though he could guess, she wouldn't actually tell him anything until they got
out of class for lunch.
"Glen and I broke up last night."
He'd guessed that was what it was, but that didn't make him feel any better -
or her. "Shit, I'm sorry, Daph," he told her, wrapping an arm around
her shoulders as they walked along the hallway.
"It was because I wouldn't fuck him," she spat. "I thought he
was being pretty okay with it, you know? And then last night we were...doing
stuff, and I wanted to stop. And he said that if I really loved him I'd have
sex with him."
What a piece of shit. "What an asshole. He totally doesn't deserve
"I know *that*," she snorted, sounding offended that he felt he
needed to point it out. "When I told him he was full of shit that kind of
convinced him things were over. And I'm glad they are."
He felt ridiculously proud and was glad she was glad, but... "Then why are
you so upset?"
"Because I feel so *used*," she told him, gesturing with her hands.
"Was that all it was? He just wanted me for sex? When he knew I was
looking for more? Are all guys like that? Is Brian like that?"
This was like question overload, so he just went for the last one.
"Brian's kind of a different situation," he admitted. "I was
ready to fuck him like five seconds after I met him."
That made her grin. "God, Justin, you're such a man-whore."
Justin laughed, knowing she wasn't judging. "More like a
Giggling, she seemed in a much better mood as they finally reached the lunch
hall. "The only bad thing about breaking up with that jerk is that now I
don't have a date for the prom." Moving away from him, she picked up a
tray and held it in front of her body, smiling innocently.
Subtlety wasn't one of Daph's strong points. "Maybe you could ask Chris
Hobbs if he's looking for a-"
"Shut *up*," she ordered, pretending to whack him around the head
with her tray. "You know what I mean."
He smiled. "Of course I'll go with you, Daph." Turning up with Daph
probably wouldn't cause as much impact than if he'd gone alone, but she was
more important anyway.
"Thank you!" She hugged him, tray and all. "I just really want
to go."
Daph loved a good party, or any cause for celebration. "Just don't expect
me to put out afterwards, okay?"
"As if!" she mocked, pulling away. "You couldn't get any gayer
if you tried. Now," the line for food moved forward, and so did she,
"tell me about Brian's party tonight."
"Oh my God," Daph whispered in awe, staring at Deb's wall, "he's
right! It totally looks like-"
"And that's a little too much information right there," Justin
interrupted, guiding her away from the stairs.
The 'party' was really just a meal, and they were waiting for Emmett to arrive
before starting.
After school Justin had headed straight home to get changed. When Brian had
arrived from work they'd fucked, and then Justin had to get dressed again. Not
long after that they'd driven over to Deb's, Brian looking only slightly
annoyed at the prospect of having to celebrate his birthday.
Abandoning Daph to get another drink, Justin found Brian and Deb talking next
to the punch bowl - Brian holding a happy looking Gus. "Hey," Justin
smiled, "can I get to the punch?" It was non-alcoholic, in deference
to Brian (although no one had actually mentioned that to him yet).
"Of course you can, honey," Deb chirped, holding out a hand.
"Here, gimme your glass."
Shrugging, Justin handed it over and watched as she filled it up for him,
before turning towards Brian and Gus. "Hey, Gus. You having fun?" Gus
just stared at him, grinning mostly toothlessly. "The silent type, huh?
You definitely take after your dad."
Brian looked down at Gus, held securely in his arms. "As opposed to
annoying twats who never know when to shut up."
Justin sighed deliberately. "Brian, that's really no way to talk about
Snorting, Brian leant over to kiss him. When they pulled apart Deb was giving
them that *look* she gave him occasionally, but instead of saying anything she
just thrust Justin's glass into his hand.
"There you go, Sunshine. Enjoy!"
"Thanks, Deb." He lifted the glass in salute as she smiled and walked
off somewhere, then took a sip of the drink. It was extremely fruity, which he
supposed suited the company. "So," he faced Brian, "what do you
He never got to finish asking the question. The doorbell rang, interrupting.
Mel was closest so she pulled open the door, and everyone watched as Emmett
walked in.
"Hello, hello!" he greeted, "sorry I'm late. But look what I
found outside." Gesturing to the right, he grinned broadly as someone else
stepped into the house.
"Mom!" Justin yelled, racing towards her - nearly tripping over Vic's
foot in the process - and engulfing her in a big hug as part of his cover.
"What are you doing here?!" he hissed.
Apparently not bothered at all by the fact that she was his *mom* and she'd
turned up for *Brian's* 30th birthday, she calmly took a step back. "I
spoke to Debbie on the phone a few days ago; she mentioned Brian's birthday was
coming up. I wanted to wish him a happy birthday, so here I am."
This was all they needed. "I can't believe you-"
"Easy, Sunshine," Brian's voice intruded as he stood next to him.
"I'm sure she doesn't bite without checking you've had a rabies shot
first." Pausing, he nodded at Mom. "Mrs Taylor."
"Hello, Brian," she smiled, her gaze focusing on Gus. "Goodness,
he's grown so big since the last time I saw him!" Hesitating for a moment,
she held out her hands. "Could I...?"
"Sure," Brian shrugged, carefully handing over Gus.
Justin could only stare in stunned fascination. Despite everything that'd
happened - especially that trip to the zoo - it was just too weird seeing his
*mom* and his *boyfriend* bonding over a baby.
Mom laughed, holding Gus and asking Brian questions about his son. It was
messing with Justin's concept of reality a little too much, and he was almost
thankful when Deb announced that dinner was ready.
Gus was put in his seat, Brian sat next to Justin at the table, and all was
right with the world once more.
Especially when Brian started groping him under the table.
They were sharing a large - very large - dish of carbonara for dinner, with a
few smaller dishes on the side. Everyone dug in, passing dishes from person to
person. Emmett had new tales from Torso, Michael shared some story about Marley
at work, and Vic gave them all his opinion on his recent visit to the Natural History
Museum. Ted and Blake didn't say much at all, while Mel and Linds bitched about
some asshole client and gossiped about a new art show respectively.
All in all, no one was really talking about the fact that it was Brian's
birthday, and things were going pretty well.
Molly, apparently, was spending the night at a friends house - although
frankly, Justin wouldn't be surprised to find out it'd been Mom's idea for her
to stay over. As much as Justin knew she loved Molly, she could probably stand
to take a break from being a Mom occasionally. Especially lately.
Things got a little awkward when Justin tried to hide a yawn, and Brian made
some comment about neither of them getting much rest last night.
"Oh?" Mom asked innocently. "Why's that? Bad night's sleep?"
She got it about five seconds later - when everyone else was staring at her.
"*Oh*. Oh, oh never mind." She looked back down at her plate,
flushing. Justin shifted in his chair.
"Actually," Brian said, "the fucking wasn't the entire reason.
We paid a little visit to my mother last night, didn't we Sunshine?"
They *had*, but he certainly hadn't expected Brian to just announce that fact
in the middle of dinner - he hadn't expected him to bring it up at all. Justin
hadn't even mentioned it to anyone himself. "Yeah, we did."
Debbie was squinting at him, as if trying to determine the reason. "What
"I decided it was time to let her know her kid's a big fat...tall skinny
Michael dropped his fork to his plate. "You *what*?"
"Oh my God!" Emmett gasped. "Oh my *God*! What did she
"Exactly what I expected," he shrugged. "I'm going to hell, I'm
doomed to eternal damnation, my cock'll fall off, blah blah. I could've written
her script for her. Someone pass the carrots."
And Justin suddenly figured it out. For once, Brian was *proud* about something
he'd done that had absolutely nothing to do with his career. He was proud and,
more importantly, he wanted to show off about it.
It worked. Deb tried to hug him, getting up from her chair and pulling Brian's
head to her ample bosom. Michael kept spluttering his disbelief, and everyone
else - in different ways - told Brian how cool they thought it was that he'd
finally told his mom, regardless of her reaction (they knew better than to
express sympathy). Brian, of course, pretended to hate the whole thing, and
ordered Deb to get her breasts the fuck out of his face.
"Well," Mom said, after taking everything in, "if that doesn't
prove that some mothers are heartless bitches, I don't know what will."
Justin gawked at her. When the hell did Mom become like a normal person?
Cackling, Emmett lifted his glass and clunked it against Mom's. "Hear,
hear, Mrs Taylor."
"Oh, please," she flushed slightly. "It's Jennifer. Soon I won't
be Mrs anything anymore. Besides, I think we all know each other well
Justin, for his part, spent the rest of the meal studying the man sitting next
to him. Brian pretty much just exuded smugness, and when the conversation was
focused away from them Justin planted his elbow on the table and his chin on
his hand, smiling at Brian. "You are so pleased with yourself," he
told him quietly.
Brian arched an eyebrow. "Am I?"
The eyebrow lowered. "Clearly you're deluded. You sure you haven't
partaken of any hallucinatory substances lately?"
"The only thing I've had inside me - besides food - is your cock."
"Ah, well," Brian said carefully, as if that explained it. "No
one can be expected to keep their mental faculties when I'm fucking them."
Justin smirked. "Or is their lack of mental faculties the reason they let
you fuck them in the first place?"
Both eyebrows arched. "That doesn't speak very well of you,
"You and I both know better," he retorted, not moving as Brian leant
"Well," Brian said, just before their lips met, "I suppose you
might have a point."
"Hey now," Deb warned and they both sighed regretfully, pulling
apart, "that's enough of that. You boys need to save some energy! You've
got a lot coming up. Prom, graduation, the Bahamas. Fuck, I still can't believe
you're even going!"
Mom frowned, looking around at everyone. "The Bahamas?"
Oh, yeah. *That*. "Oh. Right. Yeah," Justin glanced at her before
quickly looking away. "I won a trip to The Bahamas. Brian and I are going
after I graduate."
Her eyes widened. "The Bahamas?" she repeated.
"That's...amazing! What kind of competition was it?"
This was the whole reason he'd failed to mention it so far. "Dancing.
Nothing special."
She zeroed in on that, seeming to realise something was wrong, forehead
wrinkling as she frowned at him. "What kind of dancing?"
Fuck. "Oh. You know," he paused, playing with his cutlery. "Just
Clearing his throat, Emmett changed the subject - loudly.
Mom just kept staring at him.
Instead of being any kind of help at all, Brian simply leant back in his chair,
folded his arms, and smirked.
the meal finished, Brian stepped outside for a smoke. It took Mom all of
fifteen seconds to follow him - and Justin five seconds to follow her.
Of course, he didn't actually want either of them to know he was there, so he
managed to catch the edge of the door and keep it open slightly. Not too much -
he didn't want to risk anyone turning around and seeing him - but enough so
that he could hear what was going on. The conversation in the house was mostly
blocked by the walls surrounding him, and he was only aware of it as a dull
murmur (although there was the occasional high-pitched cackle from Debbie).
Outside, Mom spoke first.
"He stripped, didn't he?"
Brian didn't deny it. Of course, he wouldn't. "If it's any
consolation," he paused, probably taking a drag, "he was fucking
"Oh my God," Mom breathed, and Justin could just imagine how she
looked - a hand covering her face.
"Now, now, Mother Taylor," Brian 'assured' her. "No need to get
upset. He didn't get *completely* naked on stage." He really wasn't
"That's supposed to make me feel better?"
"You'd prefer that he had?"
She was quiet for a while, taking that in. "I suppose you're right. It's
just..." she hesitated. "I know he's not a child anymore, and I want
him to live his own life - to be happy. But I also don't want him to take any
unecessary risks. Put himself in any danger."
"I understand those are normal motherly instincts," Brian mocked
gently, "but you know who he is. Sometimes he does stupid shit."
Kind of offended - even if Brian was right - Justin opened his mouth to respond
before realising that'd give him away.
"He always did take risks," Mom admitted. "And I can't be there
to watch over him anymore. But..." she let out an audible breath, "I
don't have to, do I?" It was asked rhetorically and Justin knew it made
Brian uncomfortable, because he could hear Brian's feet shuffling against the
ground. Was he walking? Pacing? It seemed more likely that he'd stand still.
"Justin's his own man. Makes his own choices."
"Yes," Mom agreed. "He does."
She didn't say anything immediately after that, and Justin figured that was it.
He was wondering if he should start slowly backing away from the door when she
spoke again.
"And how are you doing, Brian?"
"Me?" he asked, sounding surprised. "I'm fabulous. If you're
worried about that little chat I had with the illustrious Mrs Kinney, don't be.
She isn't worth the effort."
"I actually meant your...problem. The drinking."
Justin held his breath, pretty sure that no one had actually asked Brian how he
was coping.
"Fine," was all he said tightly. "Haven't touched a drop in
"That's wonderful," Mom told him warmly. "Craig's mother was an
"Yeah, you mentioned that."
"Of course," she said quickly. "It really only developed after
he moved out, so he never really had to live with it first hand. But even
so...sometimes I did see things..." she paused. "It must take a lot
of strength."
"Sunshine's a strong little fucker, no doubt about it." Justin
smiled, imagining Brian shrugging and turning away as he said it.
"I wasn't talking about him, Brian."
Brian didn't say anything to that, and Justin didn't hear anything at all until
someone's feet scuffed the ground again. Stubbing out a cigarette? "You
want a smoke, Mrs Taylor?"
"It's Jennifer. And goodness, no. I haven't smoked in years."
Mom used to *smoke*?
"Then let's get back inside, where my nipples aren't about to fall the
fuck off."
Scrambling away from the door, Justin ran further back into the house, through
the doorway into the kitchen. Spying Daph on the sofa, he dodged around Blake
and Vic and threw himself down next to her. "Quick," he told her,
"we've been talking for ages."
"Okay," she shrugged, and immediately launched into a fake
conversation - Daph was good at that. "And then Jodie and Mitchell, like,
*totally* got caught doing it in Rebecca's bedroom!"
As it turned out, neither Brian or Mom immediately sought him out anyway, so he
and Daph settled into an actual conversation. Unsurprisingly - since it was the
very next day - they ended up talking about the prom.
A few minutes later Brian ambled over, interrupting as he squeezed in next to
Justin. "Have fun eavesdropping, Sunshine?"
Try as he might, Justin couldn't stop from flushing. "I don't know what
you're talking about," he insisted anyway. "I've been here with
Daphne the whole time."
"Uh huh." Brian clearly wasn't buying it. "So, what are you two
kidlings talking about anyway?"
"Prom!" Daph told him, grinning. "It's tomorrow, you know."
He nodded. "I heard that somewhere."
"Justin's going to be my date."
Blinking slowly, Brian looked back and forth from Daphne to Justin. "What
happened to Ben?"
Daph's face turned angry. "He told me that if I really loved him I'd sleep
with him."
"Christ, that old line?" Brian shook his head. "I'm offended on
behalf of horny guys everywhere," he teased, but then his expression
turned serious. "Did you tell him to fuck off?"
'''Course I did. Which is why I needed my back-up date."
"Oh, thanks," Justin said, grinning, "I'm just a back-up
"Come on," Daph said, "you're like...*totally* gay. It's not
like it would ever be a real date if you went somewhere with a girl."
"Gotta admit, Sunshine," Brian stretched an arm out across the top of
the sofa, "she's got you there."
Yeah, like he was seriously bothered about the fact that no one thought he'd
ever be able to actually date a girl. "Somehow I'll survive."
"Okay, everyone!" Deb announced loudly, drawing their attention.
"Let's get stuck into the cake!" It was chocolate this time,
apparently Brian's favourite - Justin hadn't known that - and they all gathered
around the kitchen table again.
"I swear to God," Brian warned, slinging an arm around Justin's
shoulder, "if *anyone* sings Happy Birthday..."
"Don't worry," Justin grinned up at him, "I'm saving that for
And he was.
A couple of hours later Justin was in the bathroom in the loft, checking his
reflection for what felt like the hundredth time. He knew he couldn't actually
make himself look all that different - he was naked, after all. Not much to
work with - but he was trying to look as hot as possible for Brian.
"What the fuck is taking you so long?"
Justin rolled his eyes and ignored the question. He'd told Brian to get
undressed and wait on the bed for him, and while Brian could be surprisingly
patient about some things, sex definitely wasn't one of those things.
"You know, one of the benefits of being guys is that we're not supposed to
take so fucking long in there."
"You're one to talk," Justin retorted, turning to look at his side
view. "Besides, we're fags. Okay," he continued, mostly to himself.
Sex was all about attitude anyway and when it came to Brian, Justin had that in
Grabbing Brian's robe from where he'd hung it on the wall, Justin slipped it
on. Taking a deep breath, he released it and stepped out into the bedroom. It
was a weird - and *good* - feeling, walking with the butt plug inside him. They
hadn't played with them all that much and Justin wasn't really used to the
feeling, just hoping that he'd be able to get through this without coming all
over himself.
Stationing himself at the foot of the bed, Justin could see immediately that
Brian *was* lying down and *was* naked - and he was also slowly jerking himself
off, staring at Justin with dark eyes.
Licking his lips, Justin dropped the robe.
Falling to his knees - the butt plug brushing against his prostate as he did
so, making him pause - Justin met Brian's gaze as he crawled slooooowly up the
Okay. He could do this.
He swallowed.
"Happy birthday to you..."
Brian's hand froze on his cock. A short, shocked laugh escaped.
Justin kept going, and kept crawling. "Happy birthday to you..."
Positioning himself over Brian's groin, Justin sat, rubbing his ass against
Brian. "Happy birthday Mr Kinney..." Finally taking Brian's hand away
from his cock, he guided it around his body and down between his cheeks. When
Brian's eyes widened, Justin knew he'd felt the end of the butt plug. He smiled
smugly. "Happy birthday to you."
Brian pressed against the butt plug. Grunting, Justin fell forward, his hands
bracing his body against the mattress.
Brian stared up at him. "You've got a fucking terrible singing
"Maybe," Justin gasped, as Brian pressed again, "but I've got a
great ass."
He didn't dispute that. "Get me ready."
Understanding, Justin reached to the bedside table where the bowl of condoms
and lube was ever ready. Brian didn't give him much room to maneuver, still
pressing and playing with the butt plug. Justin jerked and fumbled, finally
managing to open the condom wrapper, and if they kept this up he'd come before
Brian managed to get inside him.
Seeming to realise that, Brian stopped tormenting him - at least until Justin
rolled on the condom and lubed him up.
Extremely grateful they'd be getting to the actual fucking now, Justin didn't
object at all when Brian rolled him onto his back. Justin had had about all the
foreplay he could take at the moment. "Now," he urged, as Brian
kissed at his neck. "Can't wait."
Brian didn't seem to be in any urge to wait either, carefully removing the plug
before folding Justin's legs up, resting them over his shoulders. Justin was so
open no preparation was necessary, and Brian slid inside in one sudden
Groaning at the intrusion, Justin tipped his head back further into the
pillows. He was already so worked up that he knew he wouldn't last long, and he
was right - after just a few thrusts his balls drew up and his cock spurted as
he came.
Brian didn't come.
Brian didn't stop, just kept thrusting, and Justin realised it was gonna be one
of *those* fucks. It'd happened a few times in the past but not often, and
Justin clung on as Brian fucked him through the hyper-sensitivity. Fuck, it
*hurt*, it was too much, too soon, and Justin was torn between pushing him away
and staying where he was for the rest of his fucking life.
His hands moved everywhere - pulling at Brian's hair, scratching his back,
digging into his thighs - because Godshit*fuck*! Eventually he started getting
hard again, and he worked his right hand between their bodies, jacking off as
Brian fucked him.
Brian's mouth engulfed his, and they were still kissing when Justin started to
come a second time. That finally set Brian off, who finished with a few deep,
hard thrusts, before shuddering and collapsing on top of him.
Heaving for breath, Justin moaned quietly as Brian lowered his legs and
carefully slipped his cock out of him, holding the base of the condom. After
he'd disposed of it Brian returned, and they kissed each other slowly and -
definitely on Justin's part - gratefully.
"So good," Justin murmured, completely worn out.
Looking down at him, Brian smiled, obviously equally tired. "The
Justin gloated inside, too tired to do it outside. "You deserve the best
for your birthday."
Saying nothing else, Brian pulled the covers up over them and they closed their
eyes, still wrapped around each other. A shower probably would've been a good
idea, but Justin just couldn't be bothered. They'd simply have to deal with the
dried come in the morning - it'd hardly be the first time.
"Did you have a good birthday?" Personally, Justin thought the sex
had been fantastic, and the party and the presents had been really good -
despite the fact that Mom'd turned up. Knowing Brian didn't have a fondness for
impractical presents he'd never use - and just presents in general - most of
the gang had got together and bought him a gift certificate for one of his
favourite clothing stores. Justin had presented him with a drawing of Brian and
Gus - and, of course, the fucking hot sex.
"I think," Brian said slowly, rubbing a hand along Justin's arm,
"that I might start looking forward to next year's."
Pressing a kiss to Brian's chest, Justin let out a pleased breath, and slept.
Justin anticipated, they definitely needed a shower the next morning (he loved
sex, but the clean-up afterwards would be so much easier if come wasn't quite
so come-like).
They scrubbed each other clean, which of course made them horny - not that it
ever took much work - so Brian sucked him off before fucking him hard and fast
against the wall of the shower. Dried and dressed, Justin was driven to school
and Brian spoke before he could get out of the car.
"Where you headed after school?"
"Deb's," Justin told him. "She kind of insisted." In fact,
last night she'd pulled himself aside and told him in no uncertain terms that
he was getting ready for the prom at her place, and she didn't want to hear
another word about it. In all honesty Justin didn't really mind - for one
thing, Emmett was liable to be fluttering around, and he'd drive Brian mad if
he was cooing over Justin the loft. Besides, considering the fact that Michael
hadn't gone to his own prom Deb probably felt like she'd missed out on
something herself, and Justin was happy to comply if it made her feel better.
"See you later then," Brian nodded, and they shared a brief kiss
before Justin got out of the Jeep and it drove away.
Daphne, predictably, was in an extremely good mood. And although he admitted -
if only to himself - that sometimes she could get too enthusiastic, even for him,
he was glad she was happy. Especially after what'd happened with that jerk,
And then they saw that jerk, Glen, in the hallway.
"Quick!" Daph gasped, linking arms with Justin. "Completely
ignore him!"
He followed her instructions, but couldn't help but point out the obvious.
"You know that passing me off as your boyfriend isn't gonna work, right?
My being gay has to be the worst kept secret at school."
"I don't care about that," she insisted, "I just wanna show him
that I'm having a way better time hanging out with someone who isn't him."
They were just about to pass Glen then, so Daphne grinned broadly and said,
"Oh my God, Justin, that is *so* funny!" and strutted all the way
down the hallway with her head held high.
Shit, he loved her.
School was actually pretty good. Everyone - students and teachers alike - knew
it was the day of the prom, and no one really wanted to do anything. There
wasn't a lot of work done in lessons, and though the trade-off for that meant
listening to even more talk about the prom, at least the day went pretty
When the final bell went Daph practically vanished from his side, running off
with a "Have to get ready! Pick you up later!" and Justin grinned as
he made his way off the school grounds.
Only to realise Mom was standing right in front of him.
"Mom?" What was she doing there? "What are you doing here?"
"Hi, honey," she smiled, pulling him into a hug. "Emmett booked
you in with a hair dresser on Liberty Avenue. This was the fastest way to get
you there, so...here I am."
Christ, a hair dresser? "Is that really necessary?" Justin asked,
even as his hair rebelled and fell into his eyes again. "Never mind,"
he muttered, avoiding Mom's amused look. "I guess we should go." A
trim couldn't hurt.
It took him about twenty seconds of being in the car to realise the real reason
Mom'd picked him up.
"So," she began, "I guess we should talk about exactly how you
won that trip to the Bahamas."
Justin groaned internally, and actually wasn't entirely sure he was able to
stop himself from verbalising it, too. He'd thought he'd managed to avoid it
entirely when she hadn't said anything last night, but he'd been wrong all
along - she'd just been waiting for the right opportunity.
"Brian told me you were very good."
Okay. *That* he hadn't been expecting. He'd overheard their conversation, of
course, but he hadn't expected Mom to comment on that part of what Brian had
said. "I was okay. I really didn't know what I was doing," he
confessed, partially because it was the truth and partially because he thought
it might make her more sympathetic. "I like dancing, but I'm not used to
dancing *for* people."
"Well you must've been good if you won."
"Maybe," he shrugged, honestly not sure. He knew he was a good
dancer, yeah, and he knew he'd done a good job - but the best dancer on stage
that night? He really didn't know. "To be honest, I think I only won
because the host felt sorry for me."
Mom frowned, and Justin kind of wished she'd spend more time staring at the
road instead of him. "Why would they feel sorry for you?"
He answered with as few words as possible, not quite sure why he felt
embarrassed about it. "Brian was having a bad day. I was up there for him.
And I told her that."
Thankfully, she was focusing on the road just then. "That's so nice,
"Just don't tell me I'm cute or anything."
Surprised, she laughed. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you can be. Especially
where Brian's involved. Of course," she mulled, "one could say the
same about Brian towards you."
Admittedly, he'd thought the same about Brian from time to time. "God,
don't tell him that."
Smiling, she kept driving. "Justin?"
"Just be careful, okay? Take care of yourself." It wasn't anything
like what he expected. No long rant about how he should be behaving, or
appropriate behaviour.
"Don't worry, Mom. Brian's taught me all about being safe."
She flushed red immediately. "Yes, well," she continued bravely,
"I'm relieved to hear-"
Oh, Christ. "God, Mom, I'm not talking about sex! Although that's true as
well. I meant like in clubs. You know, never take drinks from strangers - stuff
like that." He decided not to mention drugs.
"Yes, yes, of course," she said immediately.
This was actually kind of fun, and Justin found himself smirking. "You've
got a dirty mind, you know that?"
That finally got her to smile, rolling her eyes. "Well, what else was I
supposed to think? The two of you are always..." she let the implication
"Yeah," Justin agreed smugly. "We are."
Mom just sighed her defeat, but her eyes were twinkling.
She pulled up not far from the hair dressers, and Justin could already see Em
waiting outside. Wow, everyone was really making a ridiculously big deal about
"Okay," Mom told him, "Emmett's going to call me when you boys
are almost done, so I can come pick you up and take you to Deb's."
With his hand on the car door, Justin hesitated. What the hell? "Why don't
you come with us?"
She paused. "Really?"
Smiling, she reached out a hand, before thinking better of it and hesitating.
Seeing the move, Justin smiled too, and it emboldened Mom to finish what she'd
started - she ruffled his hair. This once, he'd put up with it.
"I'll find somewhere to park and join you and Emmett inside."
Smiling, Justin left his bag in the car and went to find Emmett.
It didn't take long because Emmett had been waiting and immediately rounded him
up, hustling him towards the building. "Finally! I thought you'd never get
"Some of us have this thing called school," Justin explained, even as
his jacket and school blazer were somehow miraculously removed in one sudden
move, and he was thrust down into a chair and swivelled towards a mirror.
Blinking, Justin took in the reflection of the man behind him - extraordinarly
thin, wearing expensive-looking clothes and a sharply cut hairstyle dotted with
occasional clumps of blond. "Ah, Emmett," he said, with a trace of
some kind of accent. Spanish? "I see what you mean." In fact, he
embodied the spirit of every gay hair dresser Justin had ever seen on TV.
"Oh, Enrique," Emmett fawned, "isn't it beautiful?"
"Indeed it is," 'Enrique' agreed, before addressing Justin for the
first time, reflected gaze meeting reflected gaze in the mirror. "You have
magnificent hair, but when was the last time it was professionally styled,
Great. His hair was being cut by a stereotype. "Never."
"I thought as much," he murmured sadly, before sighing. "Very
well. Let us begin."
"Wait, what exactly are you-"
But Enrique was already wheeling him over to a sink, where he was tipped back
and a girl who was obviously concealing a nipple ring beneath her tight-fitting
shirt half-heartedly draped a towel over Justin's shoulders and started running
water over his hair. Justin didn't know what else to say.
"Hey, I have one of those."
By the time he was parked back in front of the mirror Mom had arrived, and she
and Em both hovered in the background as Enrique began drying and cutting and
styling. Justin told him in no uncertain terms that he didn't want short hair,
and Enrique assured him it would be no shorter that it had to be - which
actually wasn't very reassuring at all.
Mom and Emmett ooed and aahed in the background and eventually it was complete,
Enrique holding up a small mirror behind him so Justin could see the full
effect in the mirror in front of him.
It...looked good. His hair didn't actually look shorter - despite the fact that
it felt like Enrique had been snipping away for hours - just...well, more
styled. But not enough to make him look like a girl, thank God.
When Justin announced that he liked it, Enrique smiled smugly while Emmett
clapped in delight. Mom told him it looked wonderful, and then he was being
whisked back into his jacket and coat, and out into the car. The whole thing had
the feel of some kind of military operation.
At the house Vic and Deb were waiting, but Em wasn't having it. "No seeing
the hair!" he yelled, trying to keep Justin's head covered as they raced
up the stairs.
Once they were in the bedroom and Em shut the door, Justin flopped down onto
the bed. "Emmett, I know you're having fun with this..."
"I certainly am," he agreed, smiling as he quickly sat next to
Justin, making the bed bounce.
"Good. But this is a one-time deal. I'm never letting you doing this again."
God, he could *not* understand people who did this kind of thing on a regular
basis - got someone to organise their hair and their clothes and their life. It
was way too intrusive for him. He felt like he was being treated like some kind
of princess - not the kind Brian referred to - and he didn't like it at all.
Em didn't really look sad, just slightly chagrined. "Well, at least I get
to do it this once. Now, come on," he stood up, "and take a look at
your tuxedo."
More people arrived. Vic brought them up some food. Emmett snatched the tray
out of his hands before chasing him away. After washing himself down - a proper
shower was forbidden following Emmett's stern instructions not to get his
'fabulous new hair cut' wet - Justin ate and then started getting dressed.
It really was a beautiful tux, and it fitted him absolutely perfectly - like
it'd been made for him. The shoes were perfect, too. Even comfortable.
Too comfortable.
It hadn't escaped his notice that no one had actually paid for the hair cut in
front of him. "So," he said casually, as he pretended to fiddle with
his jacket, "how much did this cost him?"
Em started talking right away, fussing with a few rogue strands of Justin's
hair. "Actually, it really wasn't that bad, considering. I think the sales
rep had...and you're not supposed to know anything about it. Fuck." He
lowered his arms and stepped away.
Justin couldn't help but smile. "Em, did you really think I wouldn't
realise that he paid? Mom can't afford to spend this much money on me right
now. Shit, I look like something out of an Armani ad."
"Not quite," Emmett managed to produce a smile. "Giorgio doesn't
usually use twinks."
Yeah, okay, but that wasn't the point. "Is he here?"
"He's probably downstairs by now," Em admitted.
Good. "Okay, I know you want to do the whole big reveal thing, but would
you mind sending him up here?" Justin wasn't really angry, but some kind
of conversation was definitely in order. Even if it was a
"Sure thing, sweetie," Em agreed, picking up the tray. Pausing before
he opened the door, he turned back to face him. "You know..." he
hesitated. "It'd only take one word."
One word? "What would?"
Emmett half-smiled, as he opened the door. "Just one word, and he'd come
with you."
Yeah. Justin knew that.
It was exactly why he hadn't asked.
looked good lounging there, hands in his pockets, leaning against the side of
the doorway with one foot crossed in front of the other. He obviously hadn't
changed out of his work suit yet, although he'd taken off his jacket and rolled
up his shirt sleeves.
Justin's mouth watered, but he fought against his first impulse - he had a
point to make.
"Not bad," Brian drawled, his appreciation obvious as his eyes
lingered over Justin's body from head to toe. "Not bad at all."
Justin was reconsidering that first impulse again.
Trying his hardest to keep his expression blank, Justin turned back to study
his reflection in the large mirror Em had dragged out of Deb's room.
"Amazing how well it fits," he said, pausing when he saw Brian's
reflection appear behind him, and met his reflected gaze. "Especially
considering the fact that I definitely didn't get my measurements taken."
Though Brian clearly knew he'd been caught, it didn't seem to faze him. Lifting
a hand up, he didn't look away as he slowly rubbed the back of it along the
outside of Justin's arm. "I know your body better than you do,
So *that* was his game plan. "Brian,"
"Hmm?" He was damn-near fluttering his eyelashes.
"Stop trying to seduce me so I'll forget about the fact that you paid God
knows how much for this suit."
Immediately sighing, Brian dropped his hand and took a step back. "Just
take the damn thing," he ordered. "A good suit is a good investment -
you never know when it might come in-"
"I know," Justin interrupted, turning to face him head-on.
Brian tilted his head, frowning. "You're taking it. Without
Yeah, he may have had reason to be suspicious. "I am. This time," he
added with a small grin. "Don't think I'm gonna let you keep getting away
with spoiling me."
He snorted. "Yeah, 'cause we all know how much fags hate having money
spent on them."
Leaning up on his toes, Justin smiled as he wrapped his arms around Brian and
pulled him down for a kiss. It wasn't very long, but it was good, and deep, and
they were both smiling kind of stupidly by the time it ended.
"Thanks," Justin grinned.
"Hell," Brian said, smiling down at him, "if you're gonna piss
off straight people, you might as well be well-dressed doing it."
Justin couldn't deny that that thinking may have been behind Brian's decision,
but he really didn't think it was the only reason. And even if it had been, he also
had no shadow of a doubt whatsover that Brian really did know his exact body
measurements, which seemed really quite anal - and really fucking hot. Summed
Brian up perfectly.
When the door bell rang again, they both looked towards the front of the house
even though neither one of them could actually see through walls.
"That'll be your big date," Brian smirked. "Remember to have a
good time," he said mockingly. "No drinking and driving."
Justin grinned. "Daph's driving." Considering the fact that she was
the one who actually owned a car...
"No drugs."
"Shit, she'd have my balls if I did anything harder than pot in front of
her." For some reason, pot had never made it onto Daphne's anti-drugs
"And no fucking your date without a condom."
Justin rolled his eyes. "I already told you that's *so* not
happening." Though he'd been enjoying the humour, but couldn't help but
turn serious for a moment, knowing what was really being said. "I'll have
a good time, Brian."
Pausing, Brian eventually nodded slowly. "Good. You should. And fuck a few
straight boys for me."
"I'll try," Justin laughed, knowing that just a few months ago Brian
wouldn't have been joking. But things'd changed so much, and Emmett was right -
Brian would absolutely come to the prom with him if he asked. He'd probably
bitch and complain and pretend to hate every second, but he'd come. Justin
wielded that kind of power now.
It was a little scary.
Besides, something like that...he wanted it to be something Brian actually
wanted to do, not something he was doing just because Justin asked.
Giving Brian one last smile and kiss, Justin walked out of the room to meet his
He had to admit, the hall looked really fucking good.
As per their usual policy, St James had rented out a hall at a hotel. What
decorations there were were actually pretty understated and classy, the music
he'd heard so far hadn't totally sucked, and from what he could tell the drinks
had been spiked already.
Yeah, it could've been worse.
Daph looked fantastic in the gown she was wearing. It was feminine but not
girly, and the subtle orange colour really complimented her skin tone (if he'd
still had any lingering doubts about being gay, that thought alone would've
quashed them. That, and how much he loved taking it up the ass).
When he'd reached the top of the stairs at Deb's he hadn't gone any further;
just called out to Em so he could do the big intro he'd wanted. After Justin
had eventually descended the stairs they'd all started fawning all over him.
Almost everyone had been there - Mom, Deb, Vic, Emmett, Mel, Linds. Brian
bringing up the rear.
And Daph. Daphne, looking beautiful and grown-up and everything and nothing
like the girl he'd met when he was five years old.
She touched his hand now, dragging him out of his thoughts as she dragged him
out onto the dance floor. "Come on!" she yelled over the music.
"Let's show these losers how it's done!"
Justin never could turn down a challenge.
As the night drew on, he was more and more convinced that he'd made the right
decision in coming. Chris Hobbs had sent him a few choice glares, but everyone
else just seemed determined to have a good time. It was the end of an era, the
end of school, and fuck - why *shouldn't* they be celebrating that? Justin
threw himself into celebrating the prom with everything he had.
They'd been there almost three hours when it happened.
He and Daph were taking a breather from dancing, helping themselves to another
cup of the allegedly non-alcoholic punch. Justin had just finished his cup and
put it down when Daph's eyes widened and she tapped frantically on his
shoulder, pointing to something behind him.
Turning, Justin frowned as he searched for whatever-
Brian. Wearing a tux and a black shirt and looking scared out of his fucking
*Brian*. At *prom*.
Something that was definitely glee bubbled up inside him. He'd been hoping for
this but not too much, trying not to set himself up for a big disappointment.
But Brian was *there*.
He stood there, frozen, with a big stupid fucking smile on his face, as Brian
finally finished walking towards him.
"I didn't ask you to come!" he blurted out immediately, apparently
having lost all verbal-vetting skills.
Pausing in front of him, Brian shrugged too easily. "You wanted me
here." Hesitating, he bit his lower lip. "You weren't the only
Justin didn't think anything could feel better than glee, but whatever it was
it flooded his body, and he wasn't really aware of much at all as Brian said
something to Daphne and took Justin's hand, leading him out onto the dance
Holy fuck. He was going to dance with Brian in front of everybody at school.
Reality kicked back in.
A song started playing; an old one Justin was vaguely familiar with. It
definitely wasn't the kind of song they'd been playing all night. "Did you
get them to play this?"
Saying nothing, Brian smirked and slid their hands and bodies closer together.
That was how it was with Brian. You didn't ask; you just accepted what was. Or
at least that was how Brian preferred it. Tonight, Justin could live with that,
and danced.
It was the best three minutes of his entire life.
Although in clubs Brian couldn't seem to find a beat if his life depended on
it, he absolutely knew what he was doing with 'real' dancing. Justin had no
idea where Brian had learned (Justin had only learned when Craig insisted he
take lessons one day - probably not a good idea if you didn't want your son to
turn out gay), and although neither one of them would be winning any awards,
they danced and laughed and swirled around the dance floor.
They had the entire floor to themselves. Everyone else - students, even
teachers - had congegrated around the edges. And though most of the time Justin
was focused on Brian and his own stunned sense of disbelief - he *couldn't
believe* they were doing this - every now and then he'd catch a glimpse of
someone's face. Mostly they were just staring in surprise, but sometimes - like
the one time he saw Daph - they were grinning.
But mostly it was just him and Brian. In those moments nothing else existed,
just the two of them and the music and the stupid grin that neither one of them
could stop wearing. Justin didn't think he'd ever experienced anything so
perfect before.
When the song drew to an end Brian clung on to him tighter and picked Justin
up, spinning him around. With his feet off the floor Justin would've laughed
out his surprise and joy, except Brian started kissing him so Justin - of
course - kissed him back, and their lips were still making contact when his
feet found the floor again.
Finally pulling away, grinning, Brian grabbed Justin's hand and led him off the
dance floor, pushing through the crowd and out of the room.
They both kept laughing and chuckling as they made their way through the hotel
- Justin didn't know where they were going and didn't care - pretending to
dance some more, swinging each other around, singing the lyrics to the song
Fuck, he'd never been this happy before. And that was seriously saying
Eventually they ended up in the hotel's parking garage - that made sense; Brian
would've driven there - and they were still teasing and mock-dancing, not
caring if anyone was paying attention.
Finally they reached the Jeep and Brian leant back against it, tugging Justin
towards him.
Justin didn't think his smile would ever go away. "I can't believe you
For once, Brian let the double entendre slide. "You still like to think
you know me so well, don't you Sunshine?"
Knowing that he did - maybe better than anyone now - Justin stepped closer
until his mouth was by Brian's ear and confessed, "It was the best night
of my life."
Arms coming up to wrap around his body, Brian held him close. "Even if it
was ridiculously romantic."
Justin huffed out a laugh. For all that Brian had complained about romance in
the past, he was capable of some remarkably romantic things - tonight being a
prime example. "Right. Because Brian Kinney doesn't do romance."
Pulling back slightly, he was still smiling when Brian leant in to kiss him.
There was tongue, and it was good, and then Brian was playfully shoving him
away, because as much as Justin might want to go with him right then, he
couldn't abandon Daphne.
"Later," Brian said, taking his car keys out of his pocket without
looking away.
"Later," Justin replied, feeling like he was floating on air (fuck,
he was so never mentioning that thought to Brian). He waited until Brian opened
the Jeep door before turning away, sighing happily and fuck! He couldn't
believe how amazing the night'd been. It'd only been a few minutes, but it'd
changed everything and had been one of the most fantastic-
Grinning harder at hearing the familiar voice - Brian *so* loved him - Justin
turned to see Brian running towards him. "What's wrong?" Justin
teased. "You decide you couldn't live without me and insist that I come
home with you right now so you can fuck the shit out of me?"
Brian arched an eyebrow, pausing in front of him. "Fun though that sounds,
I doubt Miss Chanders would appreciate it if I stole her date for the rest of
the night." Logic really sucked sometimes. "That said..."
"That said?" Justin prompted.
"Ask her to drop you off on the way home," he insisted. "She'll
be doing an extremely good thing by contributing to the health of your sex
"In that case she'll definitely drop me off," Justin grinned,
"especially if we let her watch."
Smirking, Brian shook his head. "No repeats, remember?" Holding
Justin's arms for a moment, Brian leant towards him until their foreheads were
touching, and closed his eyes. "Only one person gets that," he said
quietly, and then he was pulling away and turning away and walking determinedly
towards the Jeep.
Watching him for a few seconds, Justin tried to imagine life without Brian.
God, it'd be so *boring*.
Smiling, he turned away and headed back to the door that led into the hotel,
humming the song and laughing to himself as he danced a few steps-