was his first day back at school, and for the most part it went completely the
way he expected. Daph barely stopped touching him and everyone else was
fascinated by him. They had different methods - some stared openly, not giving
a shit if they were caught, others suddenly looked away, embarrassed at being
noticed, and still others turned away and ignored him completely if he happened
to pass by.
It was disconcerting at first, but he adjusted. He knew that most of them
didn't really know what they should say or how to treat him. In any case, he
was used to being the school pariah, so it was hardly new territory. Just a
little different from usual.
Daph, thank God, didn't really treat him any differently than usual. Though her
clingyness grated on his nerves sometimes she still babbled away like she
always did, filling him on all the school gossip he'd missed (unsurprisingly,
most of it had been about what'd happened at prom). Classes were easy. They
didn't have to learn anything knew, just try and remember what they'd already
been taught. Some teachers recommended specific study plans, others told them
to crack open a book and just get on with it. Justin actually preferred the
second option, but then he seemed to have a knack for remembering stuff.
When school finished, Justin and Daphne walked out together and found Brian
leaning against the Jeep. That wasn't a surprise, either, but Justin found
himself getting inexplicably irritated.
"I'm not going to fall apart if you're not there to look after me for five
minutes," he ranted, as soon as he was in range. Brian had gone back to
work after more than a week away - he shouldn't have been leaving the office
Obviously taken aback, Brian covered it with a shrug. "Just thought you
might like a ride. Clearly I was fucking wrong." Opening the Jeep door, he
started to climb inside.
Guilt swept over Justin in a wave and he suddenly darted forward, grabbing
Brian's arm before he could shut the door. "Wait, wait, I'm sorry,"
he said. "Really. I don't know why I fucking said that." He honestly
didn't. He'd seen Brian and there'd just been this *feeling*.
Staring out the front of the car, Brian clenched his jaw. "It's not always
about me doing what I think's best for you."
"I know, I know," Justin agreed quickly, because although Brian often
*did* think he knew what was best for just about everyone, not everything was
that thought out. Sometimes Brian just wanted to do stuff. Like giving him a
Or turning up at his prom.
"I was an asshole."
"Yeah," Brian nodded, before eventually turning to smirk up at him.
"That's usually something I do. Trying to steal my role, Sunshine?"
Relieved, Justin smiled, letting go and stepping away as Brian got back out of
the Jeep and closed the door. "You don't hold the copyright."
"Hmm," Brian pretended to think about it, grabbing Justin's tie and
gently tugging him closer. "I'll have to see what I can do about
that." And then he kissed Justin there, right in front of school, and
Justin might've loved him more than ever in that single moment. It was saying
'fuck you' to anyone who thought they might be cowed, or scared, or threatened
into being something other than who they were. And for the first time that day,
Justin felt like he could breathe.
Daph cleared her throat.
Oh yeah.
They pulled apart, and Brian kept an arm around him as they turned to face her
- for show, Justin knew, in case anyone was watching. "Well if it isn't
Daphne Chanders," Brian greeted, flirting. "How are you on this fine
"I'm good," she grinned, obviously pleased to see him but not looking
quite so awe-struck as she used to. "How are you?"
"I'm extremely good," he retorted, lowering his arm to take a handful
of Justin's ass. "Need a ride anywhere?"
"No thanks," she smiled, shaking her head. "I'm meeting up with
September. But you two...go have fun!" She giggled, finally, and walked
They watched her leave for a few seconds, and then Justin tipped his head back
and looked at Brian. "Home, James." Debbie had insisted that he not
come back to work right away, that his focus should be on getting better and
doing well in his exams. Despite what the doctor had said about him being able
to return to a 'mostly' normal life, Justin was actually glad that he didn't
have to work a shift at the diner anytime soon. The first day back had kind of
taken it out of him.
Brian leered down at him. "I hope that means I'll receive a very large tip
when we get home, sir."
Justin grinned. "I think that can be arran-"
"Justin? Justin Taylor?"
The unfamiliar voice made them turn around to see two men running towards them
- one of them carrying a camera.
"Fuck," Brian muttered, then ordered, "Don't say anything and
get in the car."
For once Justin wasn't about to argue and walked around the back of the car,
heading for the passenger side as Brian opened his own door and got into the
driver's seat.
The reporter didn't give up, identifying himself and asking questions -
"Are you suing Hobbs? How was your first day back at school? Do you think
it's a good idea to kiss in public after what happened?" - the
photographer kept snapping away and Justin just gritted his teeth, slamming the
door shut and buckling his seat belt.
"Fuck," Brian repeated after they'd driven away. "They should've
lost interest by now. We can't be *that* fucking interesting."
The pictures of them were in the paper the next day. It was a trashy tabloid,
not a 'real' paper, which made Justin feel oddly vindicated - he'd hoped that a
'real' reporter wouldn't just chase after someone like that. Although he had
the sneaking suspicion that he was being naive.
There were more pictures than he expected, including shots of them leaving the
loft together and getting into the Jeep. He'd known there'd been reporters
outside the week before, but he honestly hadn't noticed anyone on Tuesday
morning. The pictures of them outside school were actually pretty hot. The
photographer had obviously been there for a while because there were a couple
of pictures of them kissing, as well as a close-up of Brian's hand on his ass.
Justin actually found the whole thing kind of amusing.
Brian didn't.
When Justin had left school on Wednesday, no reporters had suddenly come out of
hiding and he figured he probably just wasn't as interesting when he was by himself.
When he'd got home there'd been a message from Mom waiting asking if he'd seen
the paper, so he immediately went out to buy one. Really, how could he not be
entertained by a headline like 'Bashing Victim Still Out and Proud - At
School'? At least they weren't on the front page.
By the time Brian got home from work he'd obviously already heard about the
paper - the way he was stomping around the loft was a dead giveaway. Shrugging,
Justin re-read the brief 'article' that accompanied the pictures. Apparently
the photos were proof that he was no longer hiding out at his
thirty-year-old lover's apartment, the 'writer' conveniently forgotting the
whole head injury thing and the fact that technically he hadn't been allowed to
leave the loft for his own health.
"Look," he said, after Brian had dragged the treadmill into the
middle of the loft and started jogging, "it's just a few pictures. And,
you know, I gave my own interview, so I'm not exactly helping us out with our
anonymity. When the magazine comes out in a few weeks it might stir up interest
again. Not to mention if it goes to trial. It's just something we have to deal
Brian didn't stop running. "What about what your dad wrote in? Was that
'just' a letter?"
The comeback hurt Justin more than he expected - but then Brian had always been
capable of that. "All right. I got pissed over the letter, you have a
right to get pissed over the pictures. But it wasn't *your* dad who took them
and sent them into a fucking newspaper. There's a difference." Turning
away, he stropped up into the bedroom, just wanting to get away.
He'd barely reached the side of the bed when Brian was grabbing his arm,
pushing him onto the bed and pinning his body to the mattress. Brian looked
angry, his hair was damp, and he stank of sweat. Justin's cock started getting
hard, despite himself.
"You're such a fucking twat," Brian growled, leaning over him.
Justin grabbed Brian's ass, pushing their groins together. "And you're an
overreacting asshole. Shut up and fuck me already."
It was pretty fucking hot, even though Justin could tell Brian was still
holding back despite his anger and extreme horniness. Not about to settle for
less and feeling pretty fucking healthy right then, Justin clenched around
Brian's cock and bit his shoulder - hard.
And got the ride of his fucking life.
He was marked, bruised, contorted - and he gave as good as he got. By the time
Brian finally let him come they were both covered with scratches and bite
marks, and as they slowly came down Justin kept lathing his tongue over a
particular spot on Brian's neck, even as he panted for breath.
He was exhausted and extremely well-fucked, and happy just to lie there. Of
course, when Brian rolled him onto his side a few minutes later, he didn't
exactly object.
There was the crinkling of another condom being opened and a brief application
of lube, then Brian lifted Justin's leg up a few inches and slid inside.
It was so completely different from the first fuck. No sudden movement, no
desperate need to get off, just a gentle rocking back and forth that made
Justin's whole body feel good. Closing his eyes, he turned his face as much
towards Brian as he could, their lips meeting occasionally as Brian continued
his delicious rocking in and out. So good, it was so good, and Justin just
leant against the bed and Brian and let the different aches all over his body
carry him away.
When Mom arrived not long after they'd come a second time, it was blindingly
obvious that she knew exactly what they'd been up to and was doing a very bad
job of pretending not to notice. Justin was kind of proud of his bruises, but
put a shirt on anyway.
"Honey," Mom argued, after they'd settled in around the kitchen
counter with coffee, "I'm not saying I condone these people following you
around, but maybe they have a point. Maybe you shouldn't be putting
yourself...at risk, in public."
Shit, this again? "Mom, we've already had this conversation. You taught me
to stand up what I believe in, and I believe I have every right to be able to
anything with my...Brian, that a straight person is allowed to do with
"And I completely support you," she agreed, "you *should* have
every right. This isn't about that. I mean...sweetheart, kissing your
thirty-year-old lover? At *school*? Can you honestly tell me there's anyone
else who does that at school regardless of their sexual orientation?"
"Jennifer," Brian sipped at his coffee. "Are you implying that
I'm *old*?"
She rolled her eyes. "Put a sock in it, Brian. I'm older than you so you're
not getting any sympathy from me about your age." Ignoring Brian's
surprise, she focused back on Justin. "Sweetheart, I just think there's a
time and a place for...affection with Brian, and school isn't one of those
Mulling it over, Justin couldn't decide if she had a good point or not. "I
don't know...does it really matter? No one would care either way if we were two
teenagers or two thirty-year-olds. Honestly, I don't see how not liking it
because of our age difference is any different than not liking it because we're
gay. We're not 'corrupting' anyone, and it's not like I'm underage. It's just
another kind of prejudice."
Sighing sadly, Mom reached out and touched the side of his face. "I just
don't want you to get hurt again." Pulling him into a hug, she held him
tight. "That was the worst night of my life."
Justin did understand what she was saying. Sadly, you did have to live with a
certain amount of self-preservation and not take stupid chances. But Justin was
never going to be satisfied with settling for something because That Was The
Way Things Are. He wouldn't force his 'gayness' onto anyone, but he wouldn't
hide who he was, either. "I didn't make him decide to hurt me, Mom. That
was his choice, not mine."
Looking over Mom's shoulder, Justin stared at Brian on the other side of the
counter. He was worried Brian might look guilty, or in agreement with Mom.
Instead Brian simply lifted an eyebrow, and slurped at his coffee.
next few weeks passed quickly. The tabloids started losing interest in them,
probably because they weren't doing much in public together. With exams
approaching Justin was pretty much just going from the loft to school and back
again, studying the whole time. With Brian catching up with things he'd missed
during his week off and dealing with a new account, they didn't see a lot of
each other. Brian rarely got home before eight, and they were both too wound up
from work or studying to do anything other than fuck.
Not that that was a problem.
Justin and Daphne had already had their pictures taken for the school yearbook
and been fitted for their graduation gowns, so concentrated on studying and
randomly quizzing each other on algebra and history - their respective weak
points - at every opportunity. Justin knew some students didn't really care how
they did in their finals, knowing their grades were already good enough to get
them into college. But PIFA was so hard to get into in the first place and
admitted outright that they 'demanded excellence', so Justin wasn't taking any
chances. Besides, what was the point of going to school and getting good grades
for all those years only to screw it up at the end?
One night, Brian told Justin that meant he had a good work ethic. Justin
pointed out that Brian was the one who'd just got home from the office at 9pm,
and dragged him into the shower.
When the exams finally rolled around Justin felt as ready as he could be. After
each exam all the students would inevitably come together and compare the
answers they'd given, nervously hoping that they'd written down the same as
everyone else. Daph would bounce towards him frantically, and they'd discover
that most of the time they'd written the same thing. Essay answers were harder
to compare, but Justin was cautiously optimistic.
The day he finished his last exam - a Wednesday - Justin stepped out of the
school building, when it suddenly hit him.
No more classes. No more exams. No more lining up in the cafeteria, or being
heckled by the jocks, or sharing secrets with Daph at lunch. No more school.
"It's freaky, huh?" Daph said next to him, turning to look at St
James while a stream of people poured out of school, yelling and cheering,
parting around them like The Red Sea. "I think I'll kind of miss it."
"I won't," Justin replied, looking at her. "And I won't miss
you, either - because we're not going to stop being friends. Right?"
Rolling her eyes, she turned towards him. "Well, duh! I swear, sometimes
you can be *so* dumb." Daphne was going to Carnegie Mellon, but that was
hardly a million miles away.
Grinning, Justin grabbed her hand and led her away from school. They were
making their own way, now, and their own decisions.
Daph's decision, apparently, was to yank her hand out of his grasp. "Hey,
before you drag me off some place, I brought my car today." She hadn't
driven to school much in the past, mostly because she was worried about Hobbs
or one of his friends doing something to the car - something they didn't need
to worry about anymore, for a multitude of reasons. "Wherever you're
planning on taking me...well, I might as well drive."
That'd be a hell of a lot better than the bus. "Why didn't you say
so?" he teased, and this time she grabbed *his* hand and started leading
him away.
Justin thought the whole thing was a pretty accurate reflection of their
relationship, and when they happened to pass Glen he said loudly, "God,
Daph! The sex with you last night was so good it turned me straight!"
She didn't stop giggling for hours.
Justin was sound asleep by the time Brian got home from work. Of course, he
only realised that'd been the case after the fact, but it didn't really matter
because Brian was freshly showered and cuddling up to him in bed.
Brian wouldn't have called it cuddling, of course, but that was exactly what it
was. And it was a very nice way to wake up.
He hadn't meant to fall asleep at all, just rest for a few minutes, but he
probably should've anticipated it. He'd been busy and stressed-out for the last
few weeks, and now he wasn't anymore. Bliss.
"How'd your last exam go?"
"Good," Justin sighed, pulling Brian's arm over his torso.
"Pretty sure I kicked ass, and afterwards Daph and I went to the diner to
"Hmm. Because nothing says 'celebrate' like the diner."
Justin swatted him half-heartedly. "Deb gave us our food for free."
"'Score'!" Brian mocked.
"Shut up," Justin laughed. "It was fun. And you and I need to
celebrate. We haven't been out with the guys in ages. But..." he was
forced to stop as a yawn took over his mouth, "...not tonight." He
snuggled closer, closing his eyes and resting his head under Brian's chin.
"How was work?"
"Same as usual. Asshole client dangling his multi-million dollar account
over our heads, making us dance. If I was partner already I would've told him
to go fuck himself weeks ago. Without lube."
Justin's lips twitched. "You think you'll make partner?" They'd never
really talked about Brian's job all that much.
"It'll happen," Brian said. "Ryder's not a complete
Praise indeed. "'Brian Kinney, partner in Ryder Advertising, Inc'.
Sounds good. Partner is such an important word, don't you think?" He tried
to hold back a smile, even though Brian couldn't see his face right then.
He was quiet for a few seconds. "As important as any other, I guess."
"Yeah, but *partner*. Really stands for something. Unites people - in a
number of different ways. In business..."
"Uh huh."
"Or in dancing..."
"Don't think I don't know where you're going with this, you sneaky little
Justin bit his lip, the smile threatening even more. "Or even personally.
Like a spouse or..." he was being tickled, suddenly. "Domestic
partner! Brian!"
"I warned you," he grinned, tickling Justin's sides harder even as
the victim tried to squirm away.
"You so can't take a joke!"
"And you're a teasing little twat," Brian answered, smirking - and
then not smirking so much as Justin managed to writhe away. They ended up
wrestling on the bed, both of them trying to keep the other's hands away from
their body. Brian, sadly for Justin, actively worked out in a gym and had the
muscle advantage, so it didn't take him long to pin Justin to the mattress.
"No fair," Justin complained, not really meaning it. "I'm so
much smaller than you." He blinked deliberately, feigning innocence.
"Hmm, really?" Brian used the hand that hadn't trapped Justin's
wrists together to reach down and grasp his cock. "I thought you were
always telling me how you were such a big boy, huh?"
Fuck these fucking clothes. Arching his back, Justin tried to thrust against
the hand that was cupping his cock through his pants. "Brian, take the
pants off, okay?" He needed *more*.
"No," he drawled, smirking down at him, rubbing harder. "I think
I'll make you come in your pants."
Justin's dick got harder. "Brian..."
"Don't pretend you don't love it," he breathed, then released
Justin's wrists so he could sit back properly. Pleased, Justin started reaching
for him. "Nuh uh," Brian warned. "You don't get to touch me, and
you don't get to touch yourself. You do, and I stop."
"Fuck." Frustrated, Justin lowered his arms to his sides, even as
Brian - naked, hair still damp from the shower - sat further down Justin's
body. Apparently deciding that wouldn't quite work, he shifted off to one side
slightly, then leant down and started mouthing Justin's cock through his pants.
He couldn't really feel much at all at first, just the barest amount of
pressure - not really enough to be arousing. But then Brian's breath and saliva
started working their way through the material, and he started sucking and
nipping and Justin groaned quietly, pressing the palms of his hands against his
closed eyelids. "Brian..."
"Mmmff," he replied, before lifting his head and moving further up
the bed. Leaning on one side and propping himself up on an elbow, Brian used
his free hand to torment Justin some more. Rubbing him through his now damp -
thanks to saliva and pre-come - pants, whispering things about how he was gonna
fuck him later, how he was going to make Justin come so hard he'd pass out, and
then he formed the best fist he could, considering. The dampness at the front
of his pants actually helping. The material clung to his cock, the outline
easily visible, and Brian jerked him off as well as he could manage through the
And he was Brian. So he managed pretty well.
Clenching his teeth together, Justin thrust into Brian's hand, his own hands
flailing around, trying to find something to hold onto. "Fuck! Just let me
Justin came, then, his cock spurting three times, a moan reverberating through
his chest. Brian didn't stop touching him until he was completely spent and as
Justin lay there, catching his breath, Brian moved back down and started
sniffing around his groin. "Someone needs a shower."
Chuckling, Justin rested a forearm across his eyes. "Your fault." He
shifted his hips a little, wrinkling his nose. Having to live with the come
after coming in your pants wasn't the best feeling in the world.
Seeming to consider that, Brian started opening Justin's pants. "Guess I
should do something about that, then."
Eyes snapping open, Justin had just moved his arm away from his face when Brian
started licking around his dick. Predictably, Justin was hard in no time at
"Ah, youth," Brian laughed, lifting his head and licking come-stained
Groaning quietly, Justin knew that he was fucked. Literally.
He also didn't fucking care.
Almost all of the boys turned up at Woody's the next evening, and it was only
when they were all there that Justin realised he couldn't remember the last
time he'd seen them all together. Brian's birthday? In any case, he was glad to
see them there. The exception was Blake, who hadn't turned up, and no one gave
an explanation. Justin figured Ted and Blake had split up - a theory that would
also explain why Ted looked like someone had recently kicked him in the balls -
and as soon as Ted left to use the bathroom Justin pounced on Emmett.
"So what the hell's up with Ted? Did they break up?"
Hesitating, Emmett looked around to make sure no one was listening before
confessing, "Blake started using again. He agreed to go into rehab, but
after Teddy and I checked him in...he checked himself out. No one's seen him
"Holy shit," Justin said, surprised. Not that the idea had never
entered his brain, he just figured he would've heard about it already if
something had happened. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It happened the same night as the prom," he admitted. "After
that...you were hurt, then recovering, then studying for your finals..."
Emmett shrugged. "And to be honest, I didn't really want to talk about it.
After all the warnings I gave him, when it happened...I just felt like a
terrible friend. Maybe if I'd been more supportive he would've been able to
handle this Blake thing differently, could've gotten him help sooner. I-"
"Hey," Justin interrupted, because he'd been down this road before
and it hadn't gotten him anywhere. "If there's one thing I've learnt about
addicts, it's that no one makes them drink, or take drugs, or fuck but
themselves. No one else is responsible for anyone else, and we can't make them
quit unless they really want to."
Sniffling, Emmett put his arm around Justin's shoulder. "Maybe we
should've handcuffed Blake to the shower."
Laughing, Justin pulled him close. "Hey, no stealing my moves."
Smiling, Emmett suddenly pulled Justin's head to his chest, kissing the top.
"I'm so glad you're okay, baby."
It was hardly the first time Emmett had expressed his relief, but it made
Justin feel all mushy inside anyway.
When Ted came back to the bar they pulled apart, and Justin plastered on a
smile. "Ted! Buy me a drink? I'm making up for all the ginger beer I
missed when I was sick."
"Wow," Ted said, moving to stand next to him, "so you'll still
be drinking by 5am tomorrow morning, then?"
"Fuck off," Justin laughed, and then felt a hand sliding around his
waist and down to his ass, and Ted was nudged a little further away.
"Excuse me, sir," Justin grinned, "but is that your hand on my
"Sure is," he drawled, looking down at him.
"Well would you kindly remove it? Only my *partner* is allowed to touch my
ass," he taunted, catching his tongue between his teeth.
"In that case," Brian retorted, his lips twitching, "I'd say
it's right where it belongs."
Justin grinned hugely as Brian leant down to kiss him, and knew with every part
of him that his dad would never find anything like this.
"Oh, *please*," Ted sighed.
"OhmyGooood!" Em exclaimed.
"Hey, guys," Michael said. "There was this really hot guy who
just gave me his number! He was built like you wouldn't...did I miss
felt so guilty about the fact that she'd been too busy to spend time with him
during his last days of school, that when she did get some free time she
insisted on taking him shopping to get some clothes for his trip to The
Justin was so looking forward to it. Shit, it was so weird - school was pretty
much over and it wouldn't be long until he and Brian were heading off on
vacation together.
Together. Partners.
Mom kept asking him why he was smiling so much, and Justin just smiled some
As they walked around the mall Justin told her just about everything he'd
learned about The Bahamas (although he very carefully didn't mention the
homophobia. She worried about him enough as it was). He'd been doing more
research on the computer, finding out more about the island they were staying
on as well as the place they were staying at. Justin hadn't seen anything but
good reviews about the villas and their owners, and gay couples who'd left reviews
apparently hadn't felt threatened - although they'd admitted in their reviews
that they didn't stray very far from the villas.
Justin could live with that. While he was interested in seeing all of what The
Bahamas had to offer, they were only there for a few days. Just this once he'd
be happy to stay in Homo Heaven with Brian and pretend that no one hated them.
He preferred not to stick his head in the sand usually, but fuck it, he
*deserved* not to have that small, background fear he'd had ever since the
attack. He deserved to know for sure that no one was coming after him, if only
for a few days.
He also decided not to mention to Mom that the likelihood of him wearing much
at all on vacation was slim, and told her that he loved the pair of shorts she
was looking at.
Mom smiled broadly.
Justin modelled the new clothes for Brian that night.
His ass was still sore in the morning.
The Advocate came out not long before graduation, and Deb insisted that
everyone who came into the diner had to buy a copy - after she'd hugged Justin
for a full five minutes. It was kinda weird. Weird, but cool. Seeing his own
words, his own face in print, in a magazine read by thousands of people. More
than one person on Liberty Avenue had stopped him to comment on it - so far,
all of them supportive.
"I have to say, sweetie," Em began as they sat across from each other
in the diner, "that's a fabulous picture."
Brian had taken a lot of different shots, but the one the magazine ended up
using was the picture of Justin smiling next to his easel. And it was a good
picture, even if he was the subject - Andrew had been right when he'd said
Brian would know what to do. "Yeah, Brian did a really good job."
"Brian?" Emmett's eyebrows went up, and then his face went down as he
scrutinised the article again. "Oh! It says right here, Photograph by
B. Kinney. You're both famous!"
"Hardly," Justin grinned. "And if we're famous then you must be
too, 'Anonymous Friend'."
Emmett suddenly found his drink fascinating. "I have no idea what you're
talking about."
"Maybe if you'd sounded a little less like...*you*, I'd believe it was
someone else," he explained. "We both knew it was you right
Giving up the pretense, Emmett lifted his chin dramatically. "Very well. I
confess - I'm your anonymous friend. But I can't help how I come across, that's
just who I am. My flame burns brightly."
Justin couldn't have agreed with him more. No one should have to hide who they
were...and then he thought about his trip to The Bahamas. His face fell.
Em noticed right away. "Sweetie?"
Sighing, Justin slumped back in his seat. "I was just thinking...we leave
for The Bahamas soon, and I decided I'd stick to my little gay friendly resort.
That I wouldn't go exploring because it's kind of homophobic there. But...I
mean that's not really right, is it? I'm hiding *my* flame, not really being
who I am."
Quiet for a few moments, Emmett then leant across the table to take his hand
and studied him seriously. "Honey, we both know that things aren't the way
they should be. And as much as I may talk about not hiding who I am for
anybody, sometimes I have to. Now it's not often, mind you, but it happens. If
for whatever reason I end up in some place that's notoriously homophobic, do I
try and hide who I am? You bet your ass. Having principles is admirable, but it
means fuck-all if you end up getting killed. I've been through too much not to
be careful when I have to be. It's not right, and it's not fair, but sometimes
we have to compromise. So I say you go to The Bahamas and have a wonderful
fucking time at your little gay resort. Let Brian fuck you under the sun, and
tell yourself every day how fucking lucky you are to be together, even with the
compromises. Choose your battles, and enjoy what you can."
Amazed to realise his eyes were stinging, Justin blinked.
"And one more thing," Emmett continued, releasing Justin's hand to
pick up the magazine. "I'm so proud of you for doing this, baby. And the
man who gave this interview," he gestured towards Justin with the
magazine, "can in no way be considered a coward."
Life wasn't fucking fair, sometimes. But Justin was going to enjoy what he
could, so got out of the booth and slid in next to Emmett, where they each put
an arm around each other and flicked through the magazine together, giving
every guy they saw a mark out of ten.
Emmett gave him a 9.5, explaining that he knocked half a mark off because of
the lack of fuckability factor - there was no way they were ever going to fuck.
Justin pretended to be offended, but then lunch arrived and he got distracted.
Justin was painting when Brian got home from work. His conversation with Emmett
had given him a lot to think about and he'd ended up dealing with it on canvas,
continuing the painting he'd started a few weeks ago.
"If it isn't the famous artiste," Brian greeted, wrapping his arms
around him.
"Paint," Justin warned, even as he grinned.
"I can see that," he said, studying the painting. "You haven't
touched this for a while."
"I was inspired," Justin replied, still smiling. Sometimes creating
like this just made him feel better, and this was definitely one of those
"Well," Brian squeezed him briefly before pulling away and taking off
his jacket, stepping up into the bedroom to get undressed. "Let me guess.
Deb hugged the shit out of you, smashing your face into her tits - once again
strengthening your preference for cock. Emmett got all emotional. Your Mom
stopped by or called to tell you how proud she was of you. Daphne screamed down
the phone, Linds and Mel told you how 'inspiring' it was, and Ted and Mikey
didn't contact you at all, because Ted's...Ted, and Mikey'll wanna talk to you
about it in person the next time he sees you."
Justin shook his head - that was an eerily accurate description of what'd
happened. "Is there any point in any of them actually existing? We might
as well never see them again and you can just let me know how everyone would
react if they were here."
Emerging from the bedroom in jeans and a black wifebeater, Brian slapped Justin
on the ass on his way to the kitchen. "Smart ass."
"Literally," Justin teased, wiggling his ass. "My ass can make
you do anything it wants."
Opening the fridge door, Brian took out a bottle of water. "Is that
"Absolutely," he replied, acknowledging to himself that he wasn't
going to get anymore painting done right now, and sticking his paint brush into
the glass jar holding the cleaning solution. "My ass can bring you to your
knees." Okay, so he may have been laying it on a little thick, but it
wasn't like it wasn't true.
Seeming not in the least bit bothered by the implication, Brian took a swig of
the water before putting it back in the fridge. "Really? So what about
your dick?"
Lost, Justin stared at him. "What...?" An idea was starting to form,
but he wasn't sure if it was just wishful thinking or not.
Taking a few steps closer, Brian smirked as he looked him up and down.
"You need a shower." Brushing by him, Brian stepped up into the
bathroom, pulling off his shirt and starting the shower. Ripping off his
clothes, Justin ran after him.
In the shower they rubbed and cleaned and rinsed out their hair. Brian jerked
Justin off with a slippery fist - "So you won't be so trigger happy
later." - and Justin gasped as he came, unable to believe this was going
to fucking happen. Knowing Brian loved him, Brian admitting they were
partners...that he'd been able to accept. Brian letting him fuck him?
Completely new territory.
Of course, that didn't slow Justin down for one fucking second.
After a cursory rub-down they fell onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs,
kissing and rubbing, fingers grasping. When Brian rolled over onto his
front...Jesus Christ. Justin wanted it to be face to face, but also knew that
Brian hadn't been fucked in God knew how long, and this way would probably be
easier for him.
Kissing his way down Brian's back, Justin decided not to tease him for too long
- Brian could change his mind at any moment - and started rimming him. He had
no real experience with performing rimming, but Brian didn't seem to mind what
he was doing and certainly encouraged him when Justin did something he *really*
liked. Besides, Brian had certainly done it to him enough times. He'd picked a
few things up.
Fuck, this was unbelievable. Brian writhing beneath him, pushing back against
his tongue. He remembered their first time - Brian had explained what rimming
was before actually demonstrating. Justin had thought it sounded totally gross,
and later he'd never been so fucking glad to be proven wrong. Now he couldn't
imagine not sharing something that felt that good with Brian.
Justin wasn't expecting this to become a common occurence. Fuck, it might not
ever happen again, so he was doing everything he could to memorise it. The
taste, the visual, the sounds Brian was making. Fuck. If Justin didn't start
fucking him soon, he'd come like this, regardless of the fact that he'd come
just a few minutes ago.
Reaching for lube and a condom with shaky hands, Justin left the condom next to
Brian and squirted some lube onto his hand, warming it up. He eased one finger
slowly into Brian, not sure how much he'd be able to take at first. When Brian
grunted and pushed back, Justin took the signal and eased another finger
inside, slowly stretching them apart. Brian didn't move for a while, letting
Justin work him open.
"One more," he grunted.
Applying more lube, Justin slowly started working three fingers inside. It was
definitely hurting him and Justin paused, biting his lip. "Brian..."
"Just fuck me already."
Working his fingers for a few more seconds, Justin carefully pulled them out
and opened the condom, rolling it on. Lubing his dick his quickly got into
position, lining his cock up with his right hand and using his left to grab on
to Brian's hip.
Holy. Shit.
He inched his way inside, his eyes closed tightly because if he looked down at
where he was pushing into Brian, he'd fucking lose it right then and there.
Sweat sprang up all over his body and fuck, Brian was so fucking tight, and
Justin had really only done this once before, fucking months ago after the
first time he'd left the loft. Fucking nothing had prepared him for being
inside Brian, and when he was finally all the way inside Justin knew there was
no way he was going to make it.
"Brian," he forced out, "not gonna last." Oh *God* he was
so hot and tight and *fuck*.
"Fucking *move*."
And he did, slowly pulling out and thrusting back in and Brian was groaning and
Justin was too, and he barely made it to four thrusts when he felt his orgasm
start and he reached around for Brian's cock, trying to jerk him off, but then
his orgasm hit fully and he had a dim thought that that'd been really fucking
badly coordinated before the pleasure wiped everything else away.
Somehow they'd ended up on their sides and Justin was plastered against Brian's
back, still inside him. Realising Brian was finishing himself off, Justin
wrapped his arm around Brian's waist and helped him along, taking only a few
more strokes to get Brian off, his hole clenching around Justin's cock as he
came. Shit.
Catching his breath, Justin stayed there for a few seconds, just enjoying the
sensation before holding the edge of the condom and carefully pulling out.
Brian hissed nonetheless, and after Justin tied off the condom and dumped it
off the side of the bed, he crawled back to Brian and wrapped his arms around
After a few minutes had passed Brian turned around to kiss him and Justin was
so pleased, so relieved he wasn't pulling away. Truthfully, it'd hardly been
their best fuck, but the fact remained that this time Brian had been the one
getting fucked, and Brian had issues.
"Hmm," Brian pulled his face away eventually, "so I guess we
need to work on that."
Delighted, Justin didn't even try to hold back his grin. "It's not my
fault you're so fucking hot. I couldn't help myself."
He pretended to mull it over. "I suppose it could be construed as
"Exactly," Justin agreed. "The more you let me fuck you, the
better control I'll get." He wasn't in the least bit offended, because he
knew Brian wasn't either.
Snorting, Brian shook his head. "Nice try."
"So, um..." Justin hesitated, wondering if Brian would actually give
him anything if he asked. "Why?"
Rolling away slightly Brian lay on his back, propped up on the pillows. "You...I
was reading the interview today. And...fuck." Bringing his left hand up,
he rubbed at his closed eyes. "Why do you let me fuck you?"
"The first time?" Justin asked. "You were hot and I was
Chuckling, Brian moved his hand away and opened his eyes. "And since
"Since then..." Justin shrugged. "You're Brian."
Tipping his head towards him, Brian met his gaze. "And you're
Justin." He looked at him for a few more seconds before glancing away,
obviously uncomfortable.
Shifting half on top of him, Justin buried his face into Brian's neck. "I
love you too, you huge pain in the ass."
Brian's right hand splayed across his back before he responded verbally.
"You're one to talk. That thing is never coming near my ass again."
Justin laughed, before stopping suddenly.
Holy shit! He'd just fucked Brian Kinney.
night before graduation Deb held a party at her place. She said it was to
celebrate everything - Justin graduating, surviving the attack, his interview
being released, the fact that he was flying off to the Bahamas in two days.
"You know," she said, after Brian had gone upstairs to use the
bathroom. "This little celebration is also because that asshole's finally
acknowledging just how much you mean to him."
Flushing, Justin couldn't hold back the grin. "Don't tell him that."
She studied him. "These days I think he might not mind so much. We haven't
talked a lot lately - something that needs to change, by the way," she
fixed him with a steely glare for a few moments, before melting into a smile.
"But I see how things are. How he acts around you. He's crazy about you
and he's not really fighting it anymore. Shit," she laughed, "we
should call those world record people! You did the impossible, Sunshine,"
she grinned. "And I can't tell you how fucking happy I am."
Justin felt vaguely flattered and vaguely insulted on Brian's behalf. "I
didn't do everything, Deb. We wouldn't even be together if he hadn't worked at
it too. Yeah, he did it in his own particular way, but he did it. He deserves
credit for that." He wasn't trying to piss her off, but every now and then
she, or someone else, would make a comment about Brian that just didn't sit
right. Brian had acted a certain way for so long, and sometimes now he behaved
in a way that even took Justin by surprise.
"Hmm," Deb said, eyeing him carefully. "I'm not saying it was a
one-man show. But I don't think he would've 'worked at it too' if you weren't
such a stubborn little shit."
He couldn't help but smile at that - maybe he'd been overreacting.
"Thanks. I think."
Hugging him briefly, she ruffled his hair. "I know I can be hard on him,
sometimes. But like I've said before, he just doesn't make it fucking
Justin couldn't really argue with that, because she was right.
Everyone was there because this was also their big goodbye before the vacation.
Not all of them could make it to his graduation tomorrow (he doubted he'd be
allowed to bring that many people, anyway), and when it was over he and Brian
were going straight back to the loft to pack and make sure they had everything
ready to leave the next day.
While he certainly liked getting attention, he was relieved when they started
congratulating Daph on getting through high school too. Emmett pulled her down
onto the sofa to talk about it, before dragging Ted into the conversation. It
was patently clear Em was trying to stop Ted from moping around, thinking about
Justin stood in front of the fireplace, watching. Shit. What happened with
Blake really fucking sucked.
"Hey," Brian strode over, holding Gus. "What's up?"
Justin tried to brush it off, taking one of Gus' hands and shaking it hello.
"What makes you think something's up?"
Brian rolled his eyes. "The fact that you look like someone just stomped
on your dick."
Justin winced sympathetically at the image. "I just..." he lowered
his voice. "I feel shitty about Ted."
"The Blake thing?"
He nodded. "Drug addict or not, he really cared about him."
"He knew what he was getting into," Brian insisted. "He knew
Blake was a drug addict when he hooked up with him again."
Justin stared at him pointedly. "And that knowledge makes it *okay* that
he lost the man he loved? That he could be lying somewhere, dead from an
"Christ," he muttered. "What I'm saying is that he knew the
risks. And while what happened to him fucking sucks, it's not a complete
fucking shock. Shit, you know better than anyone else how fucking hard it is to
fight an addiction."
"No," Justin shook his head. "I really don't. *You're* the one
who knows. I was just an observer. Excuse me." Stepping away from him, he
rushed upstairs and into what used to be his bedroom.
Throwing himself down onto the bed, Justin had no clue why the conversation had
upset him so much. He knew Brian could be a cynical bastard (even if he really
wasn't as much of one as he'd like to believe) but something about his reaction
had just made Justin furious.
Taking a few deep breaths, Justin mentally told himself to stop being such a
drama queen and sat up, looking around the room. Though most of his stuff had
been moved into the loft, there were still a few things laying around that he
decided he might as well gather together and take home with him later that
He'd made a pile of four things on the bed when the door creaked open and Vic
stepped inside, smiling. "Hey, kiddo."
"I'm fine," Justin told him in response, adding to the pile.
"Clearly," Vic said calmly, watching as Justin moved around the room.
"I mean," Justin picked up a book, "you came here to talk to me,
right? To find out why I came upstairs, what's pissing me off now. And it's
really nothing special - just Brian. I mean, we always piss each other off,
Nodding slowly, Vic shrugged. "You two do seem to have a...highly reactive
Justin kept moving around. "Totally not necessary. I'll get over it - I
know I'm not really being rational." He found an old sketch pad hiding
under the bed and got back up, throwing it onto the mattress. "We were
talking about what happened with Ted and Blake, and it just totally felt like
he was blowing the situation off. Like, Ted's feelings didn't matter because
'he knew what he was getting into'," Justin mimicked, not finding anything
else and turning to face Vic. "Like his feelings weren't valid or something.
Shit, what if what happened to them happened to us? What if Brian was still
drinking and suddenly vanished. Would I *deserve* it or something just because
I knew he had a problem and stayed with him anyway? What if-?"
"Justin," Vic interrupted, walking across the small room and around
the bed, until he paused in front of Justin and put a hand on his shoulder.
"You're right."
"I am?" he asked hopefully, because it was always nice when someone
agreed with him when he was ranting about Brian.
Vic nodded. "You're overreacting."
Oh. Shoulders slumping, Justin sighed.
"Look, kiddo," Vic continued kindly, "you know how Brian is.
He's blunt, straight to the point. Normally that doesn't bother you, but it
sounds like somehow you've taken his feelings towards Ted as some kind of
slight against *you*. You've made it all about you which, frankly, is a little
egotistical." Justin glanced down at the floor, embarrassed.
"Besides, Brian may have a lot of bluster, but he respects you more than
that. Hell, he respects Ted more than that," he grinned, "as much as
he might pretend not to. Whatever you two actually said to each other, I doubt
he was seriously trying to insult anyone."
Justin rubbed a hand over his face, realising Vic had a good point. "I
don't know why I freaked out." It'd just...happened.
"Well, no one says you're not allowed to fuck up," Vic offered.
"You just have to deal with what happens *after* you fuck up. With
everything you've been through lately, I'd say you're allowed a little more
lee-way that most."
Appreciating the sentiment, Justin managed a wane smile before pulling away and
sitting on the edge of the bed, kind of annoyed at himself. He was usually
better at reading Brian.
Joining him on the bed, Vic sat a few inches away. "That aside, how are
you doing? I miss seeing you around the house - not that you've been here much
for the past few months," he added with a smirk.
A small, genuine grin escaped. Vic had been over to the loft when he'd been
recuperating and they'd had a couple of really good talks - about the bashing,
about his father - but he had a point. They didn't see each other much anymore.
Justin made a mental note to spend more time visiting when he got back from the
Bahamas. "Good. Glad to be done with school. Glad to be going on vacation
soon. And - before tonight, anyway - things with Brian are definitely
good." As it had been at random moments since it'd happened, the memory of
fucking Brian flashed across his mind. "Really good."
Vic looked at him speculatively. "You realise my smutty mind is just going
to take that smug look you're producing and run with it."
Justin couldn't stop the pleased grin from getting bigger. "Hey, I can't
stop you from having dirty thoughts. Just don't share them with Brian."
Shaking his head for a few moments, Vic eventually grew serious. "I read
the interview. It was good. Really good. You did yourself proud."
"Thanks," Justin mumbled, looking away and feeling oddly embarrassed
about the praise.
"Of course, it seems unlikely your dad'll be picking up a copy of The
Advocate anytime soon. Are you gonna send him the article?"
"I don't know," Justin admitted. Although his dad's letter to the
newspaper had been the thing that'd prompted him in the first place, wouldn't
sending Dad...Craig the article let him know just how much the original letter
had upset him? He didn't regret the interview at all, but maybe the motivation
behind it. "Maybe."
"Well, whatever you decide," Vic told him, "we're all behind
"Some of us *right* behind you," a familiar voice said from the
A voice he'd know fucking anywhere. "Brian," he said, standing up to
turn and face him. Ready to face him.
Vic knew when he wasn't needed. "Well," he said, slapping his hands
on his legs, "I'll get out of your hair." Standing up, he made his
way around the bed and nodded at Brian who'd moved a step into the room.
Brian and Justin stared at each other for a few moments, and then Justin opened
his mouth.
"I know I overreacted. I..." remembering something, he smiled.
"I threw a Princess Parade."
One side of Brian's mouth went up.
Justin's smile grew bigger. "So can you just fuck me now and we can forget
it ever happened?"
"I don't know, Sunshine," Brian said as he strolled around the end of
the bed to get to Justin's side, stopping a foot or so away from him.
"You've wounded me greatly. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to
Right. And Brian had a small dick. "Whatever can I do to make it up to
you, Mr Kinney?" Justin asked too-innocently, leaning closer.
Brian had been smirking, but he put a hand out on Justin's arm, stopping him
from coming closer. "I knew he was using again. Before he
Frowning, Justin knew he could've only been talking about one person.
"Blake? How?" Maybe it was a 'takes one to know one' thing, as
horrible as that sounded. He recognised something that the rest of them had
*That* Justin hadn't expected. "Ted?"
"He knew," Brian confirmed. "He knew, and I could see it every
fucking time I looked at him. I saw that look too many fucking times on your
*Oh*. "Brian..."
"And he was just taking it," Brian said, getting angrier. "Not
fighting it. And I swear to fucking God, Justin, if I start drinking again you
don't put up with it, not for one fucking second. You don't let me ruin-"
Knowing no other way to get him to shut up Justin kissed him, his hands sliding
up to Brian's head, digging into his hair. Brian kissed him back deeply, and
when they pulled apart his hands mirrored Justin's, at either side of Justin's
"Downstairs," Brian continued, he forehead pressing against Justin's,
"I didn't mean...I wasn't saying you didn't go through a fucking shitty
time...before. I wasn't even talking about you."
"I know," Justin admitted. Sounded like Brian had been listening to
his conversation with Vic for a while. "Like I said, I queened out."
He nodded. "But I can't say that sometimes I still don't get why the fuck
you stuck around."
Pulling further away so he could see Brian's face, Justin tugged gently at his
hair and smiled sadly. "Yeah. We'll have to work on that."
was really fucking weird that this was the last time he'd ever have to do
anything directly related to St James Academy.
Since their last day there'd been a few parties, special events to celebrate
the end of senior year - or more likely, their escape from highschool. Justin
hadn't gone to any of them. While he'd planned on going to the prom to make a
statement, he also had no intention of attending any kind of celebration that
tried to advertise that it was all about the school spirit. He'd never felt
accepted at school, never felt 'part of the team' and he wasn't about to
pretend that he did just to fit in at the last minute. He had no plans to go to
any kind of celebration tonight, either.
Graduation was a whole different matter. He'd earned that, working through
highschool and facing jerks and homophobes and still managing to get good
grades. Shit, he'd *survived* school, survived a bat being swung at his hat and
he deserved to stand up in front of everyone and get his diploma.
He just didn't think there was any way anyone could make the gown look good.
"How can anyone not look huge in this thing?" he complained, not for
the first time. He didn't mind his ass looking big - Brian frequently assured
him it was his finest asset - but the rest of him? No way.
"Oh my God," Daphne moaned, "you really *are* gay. And will you
quit whining and get in position already? You'll ruin the ambiance."
Justin rolled his eyes. "What 'ambiance'?" he demanded, just as the
band began to play and Mrs Woods told him to get back in line.
Oh. Maybe she meant that.
Truthfully, he found the whole 'walking neatly behind the faculty' thing kind
of ridiculous. Actually, he found most of the concepts around graduation kind
of ridiculous, but he knew Mom and Deb wanted to see him up there.
The senior class had already been choreographed - yeah, this was definitely
taken too seriously - so knew exactly what to do even if it hadn't been
obvious. Being a private school St James didn't have a huge graduating class,
but even so Justin figured they made quite a sight as they followed the faculty
around the school and into view.
With the weather being better lately a stage had been set up outside, the rows
of seats in front of it filled with family members. As they got closer Justin
searched the faces, smiling when he recognised the ones he was looking for.
Mom, Deb, Vic - and Brian. Brian had pretended all along that he couldn't get
out of work, and though Justin had known it was bullshit he was definitely
still happy to see him there.
The band reached a crescendo and finished, the audience clapping as the
near-graduates ended up by their seats situated on either side of the stage.
Telling everyone to sit, Perkins started the opening speech and Justin ignored
it, watching people take pictures or shoot video even though no one's kids were
up on the stage yet.
Perkins' speech went on for a really long time, and then he introduced that
years salutatorian, Jodie Black. Her voice at least wasn't as boring as
Perkins', and she didn't talk for too long.
Of course, then there were more speeches. A couple of school donors - old
alumni - the head of school board, the valedictorian. By the time they started
handing out awards and scholarships Justin was way past bored and really
fucking glad he didn't have to do this again for a few years.
Eventually they were lead into a prayer, and then *finally* commencement began.
It didn't take very long for Daph to get called up and Justin grinned, watching
as she walked up the steps onto the stage, accepted her diploma and posed for
her picture, and then walked off the other end. They were lined up and called
in alphabetical order, of course, so Justin was near the end of the line. When
he was finally called he held his head up high and walked onto the stage.
Mr Perkins held his hand out, gripping the diploma in the other.
"Congratulations, Mr Taylor."
Justin scrutinised him. He seemed to be smiling genuinely, but he'd fought so
hard aganist the Gay-Straight Alliance. Maybe he was just making nice for the
Or maybe what happened at the prom had knocked some sense into him.
"Thanks," Justin said, shaking his hand and reaching out to take the
diploma, smiling for the picture.
As Justin pulled away, Deb whooped loudly and he turned towards the crowd
again, seeing the four of them out of their chairs, applauding.
Grinning, Justin waved his diploma in the air and ran off the stage.
When it was completely over and done with - more music, the closing speech,
caps thrown in the air - Justin was finally set free to find his family.
Of course every other student was doing the same thing, but Deb was pretty good
at clearing people out of the way when she wanted to.
"I so knew you'd be here!" he yelled as he hugged Brian, who
staggered back under the onslaught.
As much as Justin may have thought there was a lot left to be desired about
graduation in general, it had still felt really fucking good being up on the
stage, receiving his diploma. Knowing they were watching and cheering him on.
Smiling down at him, Brian ignored his comment as he pulled away, giving his
gown the once over before tugging the tassle on the cap Justin was holding.
"That's an interesting look for you."
"Oh, shut up," Justin said, thrusting his diploma and cap into
Brian's hands and eagerly started pulling the gown off. Before he could Deb
insisted on taking pictures - some with Mom's camera, some with her own - and
Justin didn't mind it too much. Brian bore it all remarkably well, considering,
as different groups of them posed again and again.
Finally he tugged the gown and honor roll sash off, grateful to be free of the
things. His hair a mess now he shaked his head about, preening a little when Brian
started using one hand to help smooth it down.
"Better," he smirked.
Mom. He hugged her, not saying anything when she got too emotional, and
thanking her when she took the gown, sash and cap for him. After that he was
hugging Deb whether he liked it or not, and when she released him from her
familiar - but comforting - hold, he shared a hug with Vic. "Thanks for
being here, Vic."
"Anytime, kiddo," he smiled.
He was feeling kind of excited and hyper, but he was so ready to be done with
school. "Okay, so I need to say bye to Daph and then we're so getting out
of here, okay?"
As if she'd been waiting for him to say her name, Daphne was suddenly there,
running towards him.
"Hi!" she exclaimed, laughing as they hugged each other. "No
more schooooool."
"I know, God!" he laughed. "I can't believe it."
"Here's something else you won't believe," she told him. "Mom
wants to say hello."
'Mom' was of course Mrs Chanders, Daphne's mom. Though he'd noticed her sitting
in the crowd earlier, that aside they hadn't seen each other since he'd left
home. Frankly, he thought that might've been a good thing. Though she'd always
been kind to him before he'd come out, afterwards she'd never approached him at
Of course he hadn't approached her, either.
"Daph, if she's gonna say something nasty-"
"She won't," Daph promised, obviously personally invested in this.
"I promise. She just wants to talk."
"Then okay," he shrugged.
Smiling, Daph walked a few feet away to retrieve her mom, and then they walked
back together.
"Hello, Justin," she greeted, smiling. "It feels like it's been
forever since I've seen you."
"Hi, Mrs Chanders," he nodded. "And yeah, it's been a
"Jennifer," she greeted, looking over at Mom. "Good to see
"You too, Alicia."
Right, he should probably introduce them. "This is Deb."
"Debbie Novotny," Deb added. "And this is my brother, Vic
"Nice to meet you both," Mrs Chanders assured them.
"They took me in when my dad kicked me out," Justin explained. It was
only a slight variation from the truth. He'd had that little pitstop at Brian's
first, but he saw no need to get into the whole alcoholic thing. "And this
is my boyfriend," Justin introduced, gesturing towards him. "Brian."
Mrs Chanders smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Brian."
He nodded in reply. "Mrs Chanders."
Silent for a few moments, she looked at them all before focusing on Justin.
"I have to admit, I wasn't sure what to think of a lot of the things
that've happened lately. I don't care that you're gay, Justin, but to be honest
when I heard about the age difference...it gave me reason to pause."
Justin bit back his instinctive response - age didn't fucking matter. "But
that's my problem," she continued. "Not yours. And frankly, the thing
that bothered me the most was the fact that most of the time Daphne told me she
was sleeping over at September's, she was actually staying with you."
"Mom!" Daph gasped, obviously horrified at being found out.
"Again," Mrs Chanders continued, "I didn't care that she was
spending time with you, just that she thought she had to lie about it."
"With all due respect, Mrs Chanders," Brian told her, "that's an
issue between you and Daphne. Not you and Justin."
"I agree," she replied. "But the fact that she thought she had
to hide it, made me realise that I must've said or done something that made her
think I wouldn't be happy with her visiting you, Justin." She looked him
straight in the eye. "So I'd like to apologise. I'm sorry for not making
it clear that I don't give a damn who you date. I'm sorry for not telling you
that you are always, always welcome in my home. And I'm sorry that it took you
nearly getting killed for me to say it."
Stunned, Justin ludicrously found himself blinking back tears. "I...thank
"Nothing to thank me for," she told him. "It's something I
should've done a long time ago." She always had been pretty
straight-forward. "Now," she smiled, "I understand you're
leaving for the Bahamas tomorrow?"
"Uh, yeah," Justin nodded.
"Good. Have a wonderful time, and bring Daphne back something nice,
okay?" she grinned, saying goodbye to everyone before turning and walking
Quickly flinging her arms around Justin, Daph kissed him on the side of the
face and wished him a good trip before chasing after her mother.
Justin sniffled a bit.
"Whatever you do," Brian said, putting an arm around him, "never
share that story with Emmett. He'll end up crying for a fucking week."
Huffing out a watery laugh, Justin turned his face towards him and brought a
hand up to Brian's chin, guiding him down for a kiss. When it ended, he sighed
and leant his head against Brian's chest. "Can we get out of here
The arm around him squeezed. "Sure thing, Sunshine."
"Come on, Sunshine," Deb said, "we'll walk with you to the
Brian sighed heavily as they all started walking towards the Jeep.
"Christ, he'll only be gone for a few days. What are you gonna do if he
ever moves away from Pittsburgh?"
"Visit," Deb declared emphatically. "Often."
Justin smiled, feeling better and enjoying the banter - when Brian froze
"What the fuck happened to my Jeep?" he suddenly demanded, pulling
away from Justin and running the last dozen feet or so to the car. Frowning,
Justin quickly followed, and saw that someone had stuck a sign on the rear
window. There, in pink paint on thick card, were the words 'JUST GRADUATED.'
"Jesus," Deb 'ranted'. "Those vandals'll do anything these days,
won't they?"
"Ha fucking ha," Brian said darkly, trying to peer under the card.
"What the fuck did you stick this down with?"
"Oh relax," Deb told him. "It won't leave a mark on your
precious Jeep. And could you stop ruining poor Sunshine's moment here?"
Pausing, Brian took a step back from the car and looked at Justin. "Am I
ruining your moment, Poor Sunshine?"
"No," Justin grinned, looking at the sign. "It is pretty cool,
Brian rolled his eyes. "Fine," he relented. "But it comes off as
soon as we get back to the loft. Speaking of which..."
Nodding, Justin stepped towards the others and gave them all a hug in turn.
They all gave him advice ("Trust me, kiddo, don't fuck on sand."
"For God's sake, don't forget to take condoms." "Be careful,
sweetheart. I love you."), and he thanked them all for being there.
Brian was obviously grateful to get into the Jeep by that point, and once they
were in and the car started, they were pulling away. Rolling down the window,
Justin made sure there was no traffic coming and then leant outside, twisting
to look back at them and waving his diploma in the air. "Bye!" He
grinned, watching as they frantically waved after them, yelling and cheering.
Settling back into his seat, Justin checked the rearview mirror. Though he
couldn't read the sign from his current position, he could see the back of it
through the window.
"You know something, Brian?"
He glanced over at him, matching his tone. "What's that, Justin?"
"It's almost like we're leaving for our honeymoon."
Brian frowned, obviously pretending to seriously ponder that. "Should you
buy the matching cock rings, or shall I?"