Disclaimer - MGM/Gekko/Double Secret own them.
Really not sure when this is set; just sometime after 'Chimera'. Spoilers for 'Point of View', 'Beneath the Surface', and 'Chimera'. Rated PG.
*smooches nel*
For Mom. For listening.
The irony of it will be that - in the end - the sex isn't all that good.
It'll be nice, and gentle, but not at all what you expected from him.
Fractures will start appearing in your relationship early on, but you'll both ignore them, thinking that no relationship is perfect and all it needs is time and effort. You've both mastered the time thing, in your own ways.
But the fractures will keep growing, the two of you still ignoring them even as the metaphor grows to canyons.
Then one day, you'll tell him that you've started seeing Pete again.
It won't be true, of course (though you suppose it could be so eventually). It'll simply be easier for him this way - to think that someone else interfered rather than knowing the truth.
It was never meant to work. 'You' were never meant to work, despite what those alternate realities and stamped personalities seemed to imply.
You'll break up (though won't refer to it as such), and though there will be bitterness, and pain, eventually (over two extremely large café latte's and that little ginger cake thing you love so much) you'll both come to the conclusion that it was ultimately the right decision.
Sam and Jack were never meant to be. Not like that.
You glance up, dragging your gaze away from the campfire. Pulling your mind out of its day...you realise the hour...nightdream. "Sir?"
Smirking a little (damn him. Damn him for that.) he lifts a hand up to wipe at his nose. "You got a little ash..."
"Oh." Forcing yourself not to blush (you don't care about biological reactions. Not. At. All.), you wipe the back of your hand over your nose. "All gone?"
He nods, and you suddenly think he should be arrested for Looking Too Damn Good By Firelight. "All gone."
"Thanks." You focus back on the flames, watching them dance.
You hear him mumble something before he turns and walks away, twigs snapping beneath his boots.
But you don't look. You can't look.
Sam and Jack were never meant to be.