Disclaimer - riiiight. DC and WB really own these two. Uh huh.
Feedback would kick bunnies. Which are really irritating because they keep bouncing around in my head.
Special nod to chasethecat for guessing it was me. What gave me away? *g*
Fromward's fault. ALL OF IT ;D
Pete hating Lex Luthor is pretty much a given. He's said it loud and he's said it proud, and he's said it so often that he doubts there's anyone in Smallville at all who doesn't know his opinion of that asshole.
He's a little surprised no one's figured out that they're fucking.
Pete's seen a lot of movies; first at the old theatre, then when it was renovated as the Talon and it's always the characters bitching at each other who end up hitting the sack. Pete knows this as well as he knows that Chloe's in love with Clark, or that Mr Jenkinson's been doing Mrs Jenkinson's brother for the last three months.
Though he has to admit, he and Lex don't quite fit the 'screaming argument followed by hot sex' model, mainly because the only one who ever does any bitching out of the two of them is Pete. Which isn't to say Lex isn't bitchy - Lex is incredibly bitchy - he just shows it someway else. Pete does the shouting, Lex has a knowing tilt of that fucking bald head. Pete screams his guts out, Lex just lifts an eyebrow.
It's fucking annoying.
And really, they are damn lucky no one's figured it out yet. Especially as, since doing this, Pete has realised how fucking often Clark drops by at Lex's without warning, without invitation and usually without much reason. More than once he knows he's lucked out only because Clark didn't x-ray the bedroom.
Clark may have told Pete his secrets but Pete can't do the same. Which makes him sound like the shittiest friend ever, like somehow fucking and being fucked by Lex is bigger than Clark being an alien...but he just can't. It's not that he's ashamed; it's because Lex thinks he is. Lex thinks he can't stand the idea of telling anyone. Lex thinks he's in control.
Pete knows better. Pete know Clark's secrets, and taunts Lex with them every chance he gets. Not outright - he'd never do anything that deliberately hurt Clark, and he's starting to seriously freak over one of the doors in the mansion he can't open - but a little taunt, now and then. He's learnt subtle from Lex (not that he'd ever admit it) and he likes the idea of letting things kinda slide against the edge of Lex's brain, and the image of things sliding against Lex's brain should be gross but somehow it's kinda not.
Sometimes he wonders how Clark would react if he found out; his two best friends, fucking. Though it's hard sometimes to know which of them Clark is going to declare his actual best friend on any given day, but Pete doesn't mind. Pete knows the truth, Clark told HIM and on some days after school he gets to fuck Lex knowing he's the only one in the room who has the truth.
And it's fucking good.
He hates Lex Luthor.
He's fucking Lex Luthor.
And he can't even bring himself to feel ashamed about it.
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