FWD: Re: Forward this and you'll receive ten goats!
by Suz suzvoy@tesco.net

The inspiration for this? Where else? Blame the Kashyk list.

Disclaimer - Paramount own them, I suppose.


FROM: Kashyk (guest)
TO: Janeway, K (captain)
SUBJECT: FWD: Re: Forward this and you'll receive ten goats!


I'm beginning to become acquainted with this message system you've kindly provided me with, but can you clarify this message for me?


>>FROM: Proton, C (undisclosed status)
>>TO: ... (undisclosed recipients)
>>SUBJECT: Re: Forward this and you'll receive ten goats!
Never have>>
enough animals around your quarters? Always longing>
>for someone or something to keep you company?
>>Look no
For a limited>> time only, if you forward this message to anyone in your address book, you
will receive ten ->>
TEN - goats, absolutely FREE>>
>>Please note: we can give no guarantees regarding the quality of your
goats, but they are at least guaranteed not to waste all of your allocated
replicator rations on coffee.


Is this true? Is there really some way they can do this? I do believe it would be...interesting.

I look forward to your response.

You understand.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.



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